Show Notes for Friday, September 13, 2024

Today we visit with filmmaker/stuntman JJ Perry about his new film “The Killers Game”


TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

September 13th

National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day

Bald Is Beautiful Day

Fortune Cookie Day

International Chocolate Day

National Celiac Awareness Day

National Defy Superstition Day

Positive Thinking Day

Roald Dahl Day

Snack A Pickle Day

Supernatural Day

National Peanut Day

Uncle Sam Day

National Doodle Day

Stand Up To Cancer Day

Hug Your Boss Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Do you speak politely to Siri – or Alexa, or whatever type of AI that you use? Do you say “please” and “thank you” when they come up with the answer you were looking for? According to a new survey, 48% of us believe that AI deserves to be spoken to politely. In the poll, it was found that younger generations are more likely to extend common courtesies to their digital assistants: Over half of Gen Z (56%) said that politeness is their default style when interacting with AI. And 29% of those who describe themselves as “polite” when speaking with AI went even further, feeling that “everyone deserves to be treated with manners, whether human or not.” And 39% of respondents said that they feel our past behavior when speaking with our robotic helpers might affect how they respond to us in the future.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Scientists are getting better at decoding our dreams. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience included the fact that researchers had identified brain activity patterns that predict states of anger during dreams. Pilleriin Sikka, the lead author of the study from the University of Skövde, explained, "Previous studies have shown that frontal alpha asymmetry is related to anger and self-regulation during wakefulness. We show that this asymmetrical brain activity is also related to anger experienced in dreams. Frontal alpha asymmetry may thus reflect our ability to regulate anger not only in the waking but also in the dreaming state."


Yellowstone’s” upcoming season has teased Kevin Costner’s exit in a brand-new trailer. The long-awaited second half of season 5 will arrive on Paramount+ this November, though Costner’s leading man ‘John Dutton’ will be written out after the actor announced his exit from the show last year. The season’s newly-released trailer on Instagram begins with Costner’s patriarch narrating: “Legacy. You build something worth having, someone’s gonna try to take it.” LINK:

Britney Spears is hinting at her involvement in an upcoming film project — but it’s not her biopic. Friday, she shared a cryptic message on social media amid hype that Emma Roberts is interested in portraying Spears in the biopic adaptation of Spears’ best-selling memoir “The Woman in Me”. She wrote: “The project I might be doing isn’t a biopic story … it’s a fictional musical where I play an extremely intelligent character!!! It’s flattering to be in such good company like Jon Chu!!!” The post has led to speculation that she might play the narrator in Chu’s forthcoming film version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical “Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat”.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A study claims that the antioxidant resveratrol found in red wine and chocolate doesn’t actually help you live longer, after all.

The concert venue constructed specifically for Adele’s recently-completed residency in Munich, Germany could quite possibly become the world’s first portable stadium, and could one day be used to hold gigs for other mega stars, like Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. Adele played her final show in Munich on Saturday, and the structure, which has a capacity of 74,000 may be used in the future for shows around the world. Apparently, the arena was built in just a few weeks, and it “wouldn’t be hard” to take it down and re-build it in a different city, according to a music insider quoted in The Sun. The advantage for an artist to use the portable venue for a residency is the chance to create more impressive staging that doesn’t have to be moved from stadium to stadium, similar to the ABBA Arena constructed in London for its digital “Voyage” concert residency.

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The largest school in the world in terms students is the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India. It boasts more than 62,000 students and over 4,500 staff.

In 2014, there was an elementary school in Turin, Italy that had just one teacher and one student.

Children aren’t required to start school in Finland until they turn 7.

In Bangladesh, there are more than 100 boat-schools.

A school in the Philippines is made entirely of recycled pop bottles.


3-out-of-4 people under 40 eat at least one of THESE per week.

Answer: Burrito.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

It just might be the coolest Airbnb listing ever: A real repurposed Chinook US Army helicopter is available for possibly the most awesome vacation accommodation, ever. It’s in Florida and it will run you $175 a night – and with 4 beds, it could be perfect for a “Guy’s weekend” getaway. The Airbnb ad for the chopper rental reads: “Step into our meticulously transformed Chinook Helicopter, an exclusive and totally unique vacation rental, and embark on a journey into the heart of nature’s beauty and the outdoor excitement that surrounds it. This isn’t just a place to stay; it’s a one-of-a-kind gateway to the great outdoors and adventure.” The copter is located in an off-road area called the Moto Ranch, which provides a 5-acre space for dirt bike riding.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


All procedures carry some risk, but these are the ones most-likely to result in complications…according to new research by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (Ranked in order of seriousness of complications, not frequency of complications.)

1. Eye color change surgery (cosmetic iris implants, laser pigment removal, keratopigmentation): 92.3% complication rate

2. Thigh lift: 78% complication rate

3. Brazilian butt lift: 38% complication rate

4. Body lift: 42% complication rate

5. Injectable fillers: 65% complication rate

6. Breast reduction: 38% complication rate

7. Butt implants: 22% complication rate

8. Breast augmentation: 14% complication rate

9. Arm lift (brachioplasty): 21% complication rate

10. Breast lift (mastopexy): 10% complication rate

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

If you find me offensive. Then I suggest you quit finding me.” – Anonymous.

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

'Because You Worked Hard': Jelly Roll Surprises Kids At Lemonade Stand With $700 Tip