Show Notes for Friday May 31, 2019

Show Notes for Friday May 31, 2019

We talk with Arnie Malham about his new book “Worth Doing Wrong: The Quest to Build a Culture That Rocks” AVAILABLE NOW -

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thank you to
May 31st
Autonomous Vehicle Day
National Save Your Hearing Day
National Speak in Sentences Day
National Macaroon Day
National Utah Day
National Smile Day
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
National Heat Awareness Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A Politico / Morning Consult Poll found that 61% of “Game of Thrones” fans enjoyed the series finale. (
Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, we're here to help! You can learn more at

According to the Washington County Sheriff's Office, a Florida man found himself back in jail after chatting with an ATM and charging a deputy. 35-year-old Phillip Hardrick visited the Tom Thumb in Wausau around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday to get himself a snack, reportedly taking a Snickers bar and something to drink without paying. After getting his refreshments, Hardrick — as stated in the release — then began trying to carry a conversation with the store's ATM machine. Deputies arrived shortly after to find Hardick running through the parking lot. “Hardrick turned and charged at one of the deputies but was quickly detained.” The deputies managed to restrain Hardwick as he held a hand-rolled cigarette that he said was filled with spice, the slang term for synthetic marijuana. When they tried to find out who the ATM whisperer was, Hardrick told them there were people that were out to kill him so he tossed his wallet into a baseball field. (

Former CBS News Anchor Scott Pelley claims he was fired because he complained about the hostile work environment for women at the network.

Patricia Arquette says she was asked to lose weight for her Emmy award winning role on the show “Medium.” (

Chrissy Teigen posted a Twitter photo of a massive bruise she suffered on her leg after falling down the stairs on Friday night. (

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by
The World Health Organization has deemed “video game addiction” as an official mental illness. (

An EIGHT AND A HALF MILLION POUND BOULDER fell onto a Colorado Highway Friday Night and completely destroyed the road.

A private group has begun construction on a half-mile long wall at the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico. (

New York City’s Ferry System experienced massive delays over the holiday weekend and caused beachgoers to wait in the sun for ninety minutes before getting picked up. (

A French Matador nearly died after being gored in the testicles by a bull on Saturday. (

O.J. Simpson claims he had a steamy hot tub hook-up with Kris Jenner in 1990 that lead to her divorce from his former Lawyer, Robert Kardashian. Kris Jenner has denied reports of a hot tub hook-up. (

An auction site is selling a chance to eat lunch with Vogue Editor Anna Wintour for $20,000. (

Former “E News” anchor Catt Sadler has started a podcast called “Naked with Catt Sadler” where she interviews guests in her bedroom and then asks them to take off an article of clothing. (

Jeopardy star James Holzhauer has now won over $2 million dollars on the show. (

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!
Janis Joplin Left $2,500 to Her Friends to “Have a Ball”. Janis Joplin set aside $2,500 in her will “so my friends can have a ball after I’m gone.” They did just that at her wake, held at the Lion’s Share in San Anselmo, California.


Metrophobia… Fear or hatred of Poetry.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by
A thief took off with an Albuquerque Fire Rescue SUV in the middle of the night. Police chased him for hours, damaging vehicles in the process. In the lapel video, 34-year-old Anthony Pacheco told police the SUV was running when he hopped in. A three-hour-long police chase ended with Pacheco crawling out of the window of the AFR chief's vehicle that he's accused of stealing, then mooning the police. The chase started around 4:00 a.m. Police say Pacheco led them on a chase through the International District, driving over curbs, even through a cinder block wall. One officer popped a tire trying to keep up. Pacheco eluded police again, driving into one of their vehicles to get around spike strips. He now remains in jail after a judge granted the state's motion for pretrial detention. Pacheco has a long criminal history that includes drug possession and aggravated assault. (

MOMENT OF DUH: Brought to you by

A woman posted a video on Facebook of what appears to be a Wendy's employee taking a bath in the sink. The young man is shirtless and barefoot in the kitchen before climbing into the sink full of soapy suds. “Go, go go go, oh s****,” a person says in the background, encouraging the behavior, “take a bath, take a bath. Get in there.” The person who posted the video says it happened at the Wendy's in Milton, Florida. “How's it feel?,” someone asks the young man in the video. “It's warm,” he replies as several people in Wendy's uniforms stand by and record it on their cell phones. “Wash your armpits, ooh yeah ooh” the voice behind the camera says as the young man did just that, grinning the whole time. The person behind the camera then says “let's see them toes, let's see them toes.” The camera momentarily flips to selfie mode to show the face of another person who appears to be in a Wendy's uniform. The Operations Manager for Wendy's says they are aware of the video and they are investigating. (
What do these 3 things have in common:
An Injection—A Small Drink—A Heavy Ball

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Teen Shoe Store Employee Goes 'Above And Beyond' For Girl With Autism

Show Notes for Thursday May 30, 2019

Show Notes for Thursday May 30, 2019


Dear John,

Dear John,

A friend from work invited me to a pool party but I don't like how I look in a swimming suit. Everyone else will be wearing their two piece slinky suits and looking great. I'll be wearing my pup tent one piece and looking like a whale. Would it be rude for me to not go? I told her I didn't think I could make it, but she has been pretty insistent about me going. Should I just tell her I don't like how I look in a swimming suit? Should I tell her I'll go and ge “sick” that day? That would probably happen anyway. I'm getting sick just thinking about it. I'm glad that she wants to hang out, so I kind of want to go since she asked, but I'm not sure this is the right thing for me. What should I do?

Signed – Self-Conscience Co-Worker

We will answer THIS Dear John Letter on today's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous.
#DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

Just email or click the "message" button on this post at

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thank you to
May 30th
National Creativity Day
National Water a Flower Day
National Hole In My Bucket Day
National Mint Julep Day
Loomis Day
World Multiple Sclerosis Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A new survey found that a growing number of pet owners are joining the anti-vaccination movement and exposing their cats and dogs to risk of rabies and parvo. (

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, we're here to help! You can learn more at

A woman in Oklahoma who was fired for allegedly showing up to work intoxicated ended up getting arrested Tuesday after reportedly assaulting her boss with billiard balls. 26-year-old Ashley Priola reportedly showed up intoxicated to the Red Dog Saloon but was given permission to work and dance on stage until things took a turn for the worse. The manager then fired Priola for coming to work intoxicated after she fell twice on stage. Once the 26-year-old was fired, witnesses told police she grabbed a billiard ball and threw it at her manager, striking her in the face. Priola then grabbed a second ball and threw it, but missed before leaving the scene. Authorities later arrested Priola for assault and battery, but on her way to the Oklahoma County Jail the 26-year-old allegedly became hysterical and offered officers “all of her money” if they took her back home. (

Denise Richards revealed that Charlie Sheen once brought a hooker to her house on Thanksgiving. (

Daniel Craig is undergoing ankle surgery after injuring himself on the set of the new James Bond. (

Megyn Kelly told reporters that she’s “very happy not being on TV.”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by
The New York Times is reporting that two Navy Pilots spotted UFO’s flying at hypersonic speeds in 2014. (

The nation’s airports are bracing for a “summer of hell” because of a shortage of Boeing planes and TSA Agents who’ve been sent to the U.S. Border. Wow!

The World Health Organization has officially recognized “Burnout” as a medical condition. Burnout is described as a work-related condition the causes exhaustion, increased feelings of negativity towards one’s job, and reduced professional efficiency.(

Rihanna stunned the people of Great Britain by revealing that she’s been secretly living in London for the past year. (

Ice-T revealed that he “almost shot” an Amazon delivery driver who showed up at his home not wearing a uniform to deliver a package.

The NYPD is looking for a passenger who attacked a Lyft Driver during a ride in Queens. (

A leading relationship coach is predicting that the vast majority of people will be dating robots by the year 2050. (

A Japanese man died on a flight out of Mexico after ingesting 250 cocaine packets on the plane. (

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!
Female Platypuses Lay Eggs. Did we mention these are mammals? Despite that, these odd duck-billed creatures lay eggs, like a reptile or bird might, making it an intriguing example of evolution at work.


Monophobia… Fear of solitude or being alone.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by
Two blokes working at a bike shop in Bury St Edmunds, England tried to kill time on a slow Friday afternoon by cremating the remains of a mouse that they had found. Unfortunately, the fire quickly got out of control and the resultant blaze caused £1.6 million worth of damage, completely destroying the shop where they worked and spreading to a nearby pub and restaurant. 23-year old Dysney Sibbons and 25-year-old Ashley Finley were “trying to amuse themselves on a boring day” when they used an accelerant to burn the deceased rodent. Judge David Pugh said that their “sheer stupidity” had been responsible for the destructive blaze at Cycle King in Bury St Edmunds, close to the town's cathedral and famous Abbey Gardens. A dozen fire engines and over sixty firefighters were called in to deal with the inferno. The first fire crews arrived at 5:00 p.m. and it was around midnight when the conflagration was officially over. The case has been adjourned until the week of June 24th for pre-sentence reports on the defendants to be prepared by the probation service.

MOMENT OF DUH: Brought to you by
A man accused of stealing a valuable Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card from an Ohio store was arrested in Indianapolis while trying to sell it. Neuhart Cards and Sports Collectibles said a thief smashed through the front window, broke several cases, and then stole the Mantle card, which is worth about $12,000. The theft happened around 1:00 a.m. on May 12th. While several cases were broken, only the Mickey Mantle 1952 rookie card was missing. Various card shops in Indianapolis received phone calls from a man trying to sell the card; police said the calls came from a central Ohio phone number. Indianapolis Metropolitan police confronted 23-year-old Giancarlo Venditti of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, when he tried to sell the card to an Indy card shop on May 13th. Police said the card shop owners were aware of the situation. Police recovered the stolen card and took Venditti into custody. He will be extradited to Ohio to face charges. (

What do these 3 things have in common:
a mushroom, a baseball player and a bottle
(They have CAPS)

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Jamaican Businessman Organizes Trash-Collecting Tournament, Removes 
Over 11,000 Lbs Of Trash From Sea -

Show Notes for Wednesday May 29, 2019

Show Notes for Wednesday May 29, 2019

Today we visit with Cornelius J. Maxwell, a US Army veteran who served 3 combat tours during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is the creator of the Transition Units Theory. He is trying to gain support for this through an online campaign -

He is lso on the board for Wings For Warriors

Follow him on facebook -

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thank you to
May 29th
National Paperclip Day
National Coq Au Vin Day
National Senior Health & Fitness Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

An NBC News survey found that IQ rates are dropping in developed countries and humanity could soon be undermined by an intelligence crisis.

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, we're here to help! You can learn more at

According to court papers, a Pennsylvania woman who turned 55-years-old on Wednesday assaulted a male acquaintance with a box cutter because she had not received a present, card, or cake to mark the occasion. Cops say that Georgia Zowacki was celebrating her May 15th birthday when matters turned stabby at her Pittsburgh-area residence. David Rae, who has lived with Zowacki for four months, told police that Zowacki “consumed a large amount of vodka throughout the day.” Rae added that Zowacki eventually “became extremely upset and violent because nobody bought her a birthday present, birthday card, or birthday cake.” Incensed, Zowacki allegedly “grabbed a box cutter knife” and held it near Rae’s throat “threatening to kill him.” Rae told police that Zowacki then trashed his room, throwing his TV on the floor, tipping over a nightstand, and breaking his bed. A patrolman responding to a call about a physical domestic dispute located Zowacki sitting on a neighbor’s porch. She was arrested for aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and simple assault.


Quentin Tarantino’s new film, “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,” ran two hours and forty one minutes long at the Cannes Film Festival. The film is said to be “an ode to a bygone era” in Hollywood. (

Jeopardy star James Hozhauer has now won twenty-four consecutive episodes in a row and has taken home an average of $78,000 per episode.
( (UPDATE) James Holzhauer has now won twenty-five consecutive Jeopardy matches and he’s also begun donating money to charity. (

“The Bachelorette” is having a dramatic season with one contestant already telling Hannah that he is falling in love with her. (

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A Retired Judge is calling for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Jussie Smollett case and has filed a motion against former prosecutor Kim Foxx.

Howard Stern says in his new book that QUOTE, “Wild Donald Trump was one of his best guests.” (

Justin Bieber announced that he’s releasing his own deodorant this fall. It comes out in September. (

The Jimmy John’s Sandwich chain is now selling its own wine called VIN DE SANDWICH. (

Pillsbury is releasing a cinnamon roll cereal that’s filled with icing. The cereal comes in two flavors, “Cinnamon Roll” and “Cookies n Creme.”

A group of Stanford University has developed a “build your own dog” kit that allows people to create a robotic dog for $3,000. (

Over one hundred people were arrested after a brawl broke out at the annual “GO TOPLESS” event in Galveston, Texas. Two dozen topless women were arrested for fighting. (

A movie theater in Plano, Texas is allowing dogs along with bottomless wine for its customers. (

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Male Platypuses Are Venemous. They may look silly and harmless, but platypuses can be dangerous—at least certain ones. The males come equipped with sharp stingers on the heels of their rear feet that can add some extra pain to a kick. The venom has been found to resemble that in animals such as snakes, starfish, and spiders—though it’s an odd thing to find in mammals.


Dishabiliophobia: Fear of undressing in front of someone.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by
According to authorities, a former Disney World employee accused of stealing $7,000 in memorabilia was arrested after posting photos of the missing items online. 24-year-old Patrick Allen Spikes became a suspect when his Twitter profile included pictures of valuable items two months after they were swiped from the theme park in Orlando, Florida. He became combative when questioned about the photos of “Buzzy,” a character missing from the “Cranium Command” attraction at Epcot, leading to an initial charge of resisting arrest. A search warrant of his home and phone then turned up photos of stolen Disney wigs, skirts, and jackets. He is accused of also using his Disney employee ID to access underground tunnels to get to Magic Kingdom’s Haunted Mansion, where some of the costumes were stolen. Financial records showed that Spikes received about $30,000 via PayPal from two buyers with police saying the missing items were far more valuable on the black market. One of the buyers returned eighteen items that Disney World said had all been stolen. Detectives say they are still investigating and trying to track down the rest of the items that have been documented as stolen. Spikes was charged with burglary, grand theft, and dealing in stolen property. (

MOMENT OF DUH: Brought to you by

A woman in California was kicked out of a youth basketball game after cell phone video caught her sticking her legs out in an attempt to trip a player from the competing team. The team from the Cornerstone Basketball Academy based in Vallejo, California traveled to the Hardwood Palace Tournament to take on the players from the Folsom Elite Basketball Academy on Mother's Day weekend. Eugene Solano, the director of the Vallejo team told Fox 40 “This specific team is our 10-year-old and under team.” At one point in the game, a woman in a pink hat sitting in the front row was caught on camera extending her legs out, trying to intentionally trip a 9-year-old Cornerstone Basketball Academy player. Despite the attempted “foul” by the parent on the sidelines, the 9-year-old player who got tripped went on to score 11 points in the game. The woman has been banned from attending any future basketball games at the Hardwood Palace.

What do these 3 things have in common:
A Martial Artist—A Butcher—A Bulldog
(They all have chops)

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A School Bus Driver's Special Delivery

Show Notes for Tuesday May 28, 2019

Show Notes for Tuesday May 28, 2019

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thank you to
May 28th
National Brisket Day
National Hamburger Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A survey by the the Institute For Family Studies found that religious couples have happier marriages. (

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, we're here to help! You can learn more at

A Naples man was arrested for impersonating an FBI agent. When told to leave a homeowner’s property, the suspect dropped catfish on her lawn, then fled the scene on a bicycle. The suspect, 42-year-old Kristian Dudley, faces a charge of Open Container in Public/Semi-Public Parking Area and a felony charge of Impersonate Law Enforcement Officer. The victim said Dudley drove a bike with red and blue flashing lights into her front yard. He introduced himself as an FBI agent and then he ordered the woman to show proof of ID to make sure she was there legally. The victim said she was a U.S. citizen and told him to leave her property. After Dudley refused a second time, her husband told Dudley to go and he called CCSO. Before leaving the property, Dudley dropped multiple live catfish in the driveway for an “unknown reason.” As Dudley was biking, a deputy stopped him because he fit the description of the suspect. The deputy said Dudley appeared heavily intoxicated, was wearing a dark shirt, had an FBI hat, and a bicycle with red and blue flashing lights. He has since been taken to jail. (


Lori Loughlin’s daughter, Olivia Jade Gianelli, is begging USC to let her resume her studies at the school. (

Actress Elle Fanning fainted and landed on a table during a dinner party at the Cannes Film Festival. (

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by
Whitney Houston’s estate announced that a hologram of the late singer is going on a world tour. (
Yosemite National Park in California remains covered in snow despite the fact that summer is just around the corner. (

A British admiral is warning that the U.S. will need one million soldiers to invade Iran. (

A shocking new report claims that thousands of North Korean women have been sold into the sex trade. (

Michelangelo’s first ever work, which he painted at the age of 12, has been discovered in Rome. (

Taco Bell is taking over a hotel in Palm Springs, California, for three nights this August. The fast-food chain says everything will be Taco Bell-themed, from the room decor to the breakfast menu to pool floaties shaped like hot sauce packets. There will be Taco Bell snacks and cocktails and Taco Bell nail art in the salon. A few new menu items will also debut there. Irvine-based Taco Bell isn’t yet saying which actual hotel is hosting the event. Reservations will be available starting next month.

Guests visiting Brookfield Zoo this summer will have the unique opportunity to see a 16-year-old albino American alligator. Measuring 7 ft. long, Snowflake will live at The Swamp habitat through September before heading back south to Florida's St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park, a facility accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Albino alligators are extremely rare. Biologists estimate there are only about 100 existing in the world.

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Truman Show Delusion Is a Thing. Also known as Truman Syndrome, this is the belief in which “the patient believes that he is being filmed, and that the films are being broadcast for the entertainment of others,” according to the researchers who first coined the affliction. The researchers pointed to five different case studies in which patients suffered from this TSD.


Epistemophobia… Fear of knowledge.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by
A Florida man allegedly threatened to behead police officers then “eat their eyes and tongues” while he was under arrest. 50-year-old Ken Freeman remains held on bond Monday after he repeatedly threatened to decapitate six officers in a Brevard County parking lot. Police were called to the scene Thursday after Freeman got into a fight with another driver who cut him off on the road. Freeman and the other man “flipped each other off” before he followed the driver into a Dick’s Sporting Goods parking lot. That’s when Freeman allegedly exited his vehicle carrying a large knife, punched the other driver in the shoulder and held up the weapon to the man’s ear. According to the affidavit, Freeman said, “I’ll cut your f–king head off in front of your family!” Police then arrived to the mall parking lot, where Freeman allegedly repeatedly threatened the six officers. Police records say “He stated several times he would cut officers’ heads off and eat their eyes and tongues.” He was booked on charges for assault, battery, and threatening death or serious bodily harm to a law enforcement officer.

MOMENT OF DUH: Brought to you by

Eight Ohio middle school students could face felony assault charges for allegedly putting bodily fluids in crepes that were consumed by teachers, according to police who say that the young suspects recorded their acts and shared the video with fellow classmates. Investigators say the May 16th incident occurred at Hyatts Middle School in Powell, a city 15 miles north of Columbus. As part of a “Global Gourmet” home economics class, students competed in a cooking competition that was judged by teachers. It was during the food preparation that the suspects reportedly placed urine and semen into crepes, which were later consumed by several adult victims. Lab tests are being conducted to determine whether, in fact, bodily fluids were added to the crepes. It was only after the crepes had been eaten that school employees learned of a troubling video that was circulating among students. The clip appeared to show bodily fluids being added to the crepes. The teenage suspects could face assorted felony charges, including assault with a bodily substance.

What do these 3 things have in common:
(They have LANES)
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When This Mailman Retired, The Entire Neighborhood Threw Him A Party He'll Never Forget