Tuesday June 26, 2018

Show Notes for Tuesday June 26, 2018

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!!! (A special thank you to NationalDayCalendar.com)

June 26th
National Beautician’s Day
National Chocolate Pudding Day

"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses." --Alphonse Karr

Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! 1-800-438-0380

Insiders in the marijuana industry say New York is preparing to be the next state to legalize recreational marijuana. https://goo.gl/qGUjvW

Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, there’s a toll free number you can call…
1-800-438-0380…. That’s the Addiction Hope and Help Line… 1-800-438-0380

Two newlyweds in Munich, Germany, spent their wedding night in separate drunk tanks after celebrating too hard. Police found the happy couple staggering home and almost falling into the street after their wedding reception. They escorted the newlyweds home, but put them in custody overnight to sober up after they insisted on going out again to get more drinks.
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Jurassic World 2 broke the $140 million mark in its Box Office debut. https://goo.gl/8PAq3v
ABC has green lit a spinoff of Roseanne that will not include the controversial actress. https://goo.gl/sJcQJA

Brought To You By 80sInTheSand.com (Join John & Heidi for a FUN WEEK!)

A council of scientists is calling for a system to better detect dangerous incoming asteroids.

In addition to launching long-form video service similar to YouTube, Instagram announced Wednesday that it now has 1 billion monthly active users.

A new study found that a growing number of Millennials are getting “Venmo Anxiety” where they log onto the payment app to see which friends have been sending each other money after going out for drinks without them. https://goo.gl/BnzdH7
A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that liberals prefer to drink lattes while republicans do not. Republicans prefer black coffee. https://goo.gl/d8YUz8
The North Korean government is erasing the anti-US propaganda it had hung around the country and is replacing it with cheery messages. https://goo.gl/FGxHdW

A Vatican diplomat was convicted of possessing and distributing child porn inside the Vatican. https://goo.gl/vaWR73

A thief usually comes armed with a high-speed getaway car to leave the scene of the crime, but police said a suspect in Knoxville, Tennessee used a lawnmower for his getaway. Knoxville police said Benny Vaughn broke into a woman’s shed to steal the mower, which is worth about $1,800. The woman said Vaughn cut open her shed, causing hundreds of dollars in damage. She said he crawled inside and busted the doors open to get the mower out. Vaugh then used the John Deere as his getaway car. The woman’s neighbor trailed the suspect several miles down the street while taking pictures. The lawnmower can even be seen with a flat tire. Vaughn was arrested and police say he also faces a list of crimes from theft to assault, some of them dating back to 1992. (https://goo.gl/e7w1rt)

FUN FACT FOR YOU: Brought To You By LearnWithoutLoans.com 

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A legendary Benedictine monk invented champagne... his name was
Dom Perignon.
Lake Superior is
the largest freshwater lake in the world.
The Sea of Tranquility is on t
he Moon.
The Grandiloquent Word of the Day

LINK TO TODAY'S WORD - Grandiloquent Words

Purloin   (pur-LOYN)
-To appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.
-To steal.

From Middle English, to put away, misappropriate, from Anglo-French purluigner to prolong, postpone, set aside, from pur- forward + luin, loing at a distance, from Latin longe, from longus long

Used in a sentence:
“Well, then; I have received personal information, from a very high quarter, that a certain document of the last importance, has been purloined from the royal apartments. The individual who purloined it is known; this beyond a doubt; he was seen to take it. It is known, also, that it still remains in his possession.”
~Edgar Allan Poe - The Purloined Letter 

Brought To You By 49ByDesign.com (websites $49/mo with no set up fee)
A Milltown, New Jersey man has been charged with the robbery of a Somerset County bank after witnesses told police they saw him drop the money he had just robbed. Witnesses elaborated and explained that 32-year-old Jeffrey Wolfman was standing on the street removing a layer of clothing. As he did so, they saw money dropping to the ground. Wolfman had reportedly entered the bank and demanded money from a bank teller before fleeing on foot. Wolfman was charged with second-degree robbery and is being held in Somerset County Jail awaiting a detention hearing. (https://goo.gl/NiU7S4)

MOMENT OF DUH:By LearnWithoutLoans.com (Find Funding For College)
A New York customer will never rhapsodize about the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden in Queens -- especially after he noticed his receipt, which instructed the cook to “please spit” in his burger. Curtis Mays said the sickening receipt he got from his waitress on Father’s Day caught his attention after his order got mixed up. “I ate my burger already, I felt like I was gonna throw up,” he told WABC. Mays was eating at the restaurant with his daughter and granddaughter. When he looked at his receipt he noticed that the order for his burger included “Cheddar … Well Done ... Toast ... Bread … Please Spit In It Too.” Mays said the manager fired the waitress immediately, and he was given a refund. The manager told WABC it was unlikely the cook followed the instructions on the order. Nevertheless, he said the note on the receipt was unacceptable. (https://goo.gl/n4Ewqt)

Is this story "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.

A Florida woman was arrested for shooting her ex-husband in the
testicles after he tried to remove an air conditioner from her house. FLORIDA - (https://goo.gl/hzEdfv) An Orlando couple was caught digging a tunnel into Disney World's Animal Kingdom. - FAKE

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15-Year-old Melts the Hearts of Airline Passengers When She Befriends Blind and Deaf Passenger LINK TO STORY