Show Notes for Friday, May 31, 2024

Today we visit with Scott Valentine, he played the part of Nick Moore on the hit series, Family Ties (1982).

We will talk about his new OTT streaming platform, Red Coral Universe, an AVOD service that caters to the independent film, tv and music world with a business model that essentially gets artists paid quickly and directly and offers a bigger slice of the financial pie. Founded by Oscar winning producer Larry Meistrich (SLING BLADE, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME) and actor/producer Scott Valentine (Family Ties), Red Coral Universe is free to use and available on all phones, computers, tables, smart tv’s, and online.

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 31st

National Autonomous Vehicle Day

National Fisherfolks Day

National Macaroon Day

National Meditation Day

National Save Your Hearing Day

National Smile Day

National Speak In Sentences Day

Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day

No Tobacco Day

Tulsa Race Massacre

Web Designer Day

What You Think Upon Grows Day

World Parrot Day

European Neighbours’ Day

National Heat Awareness Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

It’s definitely important to learn from our mistakes. But according to a new “study of failure”, even the most dedicated surgeons, at some point, stop benefiting from the knowledge that comes from their own mistakes. Awkward — especially when you are a surgeon! Researchers Sunkee Lee and Jisoo Park studied 307 surgeons performing coronary artery surgeries over a 16-year period. Initially, as expected, surgeons’ performance improved as they experienced and learned from failures. Each time a patient was lost, it provided valuable information that could be applied to future surgeries. The problem? There was a tipping point where the learning effect tapered off — and eventually reversed. That means surgeons who had experienced a high number of failures actually performed worse than those with fewer failures under their belt. The researchers think this may be because repeated failures take an emotional and psychological toll, and as failures accumulate, these negative emotions can start to drown out the motivation to learn.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Some cat breeds (called “puppy cats”) are bred specifically to exhibit dog-like behavior.


Britney Spears says she was robbed at home. In an Instagram video, she alleged that “all” her jewelry was stolen. The clip shows her opening and closing a jewelry box that was mostly empty. She explains: “There’s nothing. Well, there’s a Mother Mary. … I’m scared. It’s all gone. All my jewelry is gone.” A spokesperson for the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office said on Monday that they hadn’t “received any calls for service regarding any reports of theft from Spears’ residence.” Despite the alleged burglary, Spears posted a video shortly afterward in which she appeared in good spirits, claiming in one that she “dropped 12 sizes” and wrote in another that she wants a tongue piercing.

Social Network” star Jesse Eisenberg has applied for Polish citizenship. In an interview with a Polish publication, he said he applied for it 9 months ago and is now “waiting for the final signature.” Eisenberg explained that his family is from Poland, and so is that of his wife Anna Strout, and they want to “have a greater connection to Poland”, and he’d like to do more of his work there.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A recent study found that food seems to taste better when it’s more expensive.

Those who claim to know, say that one of the growing wedding trends these days is to ban the use of cell phones. Many couples are said to be enforcing a ‘no-phone’ mandate at their wedding as a way of focusing “the entire energy of the whole ceremony onto what’s actually happening and that sacred moment of the actual wedding,” according to Toronto-based photographer Jennifer van Son. That way, the couple can look out at their guests and see their actual faces, and maybe a few tears of joy, rather than a bunch of phone cameras staring back at them. But oddly, it isn’t the screen-obsessed Zoomers ruining the fun by holding their phones up. It’s the “boomers” who have become notorious for snapping grainy pics that they’ll probably post on Facebook after the reception — even at the risk of ruining the professional photographs — which cost a pretty penny. Younger generations are said to “get” phone etiquette in a way that older generations just don’t, sometimes.

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The Chinese words for “crisis” and “opportunity” are the same.

The most-common given name in the world is believed to be Muhammad, with an estimated 150 million men sharing the name.

Mercury thermometers are useless in Antarctica because it is so cold that the mercury freezes.

Besides black and yellow, bees can also be red, green and blue.

Australia’s tallest mountain, Mt. Kosciuszko, and largest city, Sydney, are both named for men who never visited Australia.


Studies show most people remember THIS more vividly than their first kiss. What is it?

Answer: Their first car

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

In Calgary, Alberta, Canada, a guy had a little start-up drug business outside a casino in Calgary and sales weren’t as good as he had hoped. So, he did what any bozo would do, he decided to advertise by handing out business cards…with a small baggie of cocaine attached to the back of the card. It didn’t take long before the cops got wind of his little operation and, since his phone number and contact information were right there on the card, he was pretty easy to track down. They found him in possession of 50 baggies of cocaine, a digital scale with drug residue, and $1280 in cash. Cops also seized a box of business cards with the name “Alex Lee.” Busted! Charged with possession of drugs with intent to distribute.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Some of the oldest rock stars on tour this summer . . .

Nancy Wilson of Heart and Neil Schon of Journey: 70

Robin Zander of Cheap Trick and Pat Benatar: 71

John Mellencamp and Doobie Brother Michael McDonald: 72

Ann Wilson of Heart and Joe Perry of Aerosmith: 73

Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top and Bruce Springsteen: 74

Robert Plant and Billy Joel: 75

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Sammy Hagar, Alice Cooper, Carlos Santana and Stevie Nicks: 76

David Gilmour and Neil Young: 78

John Fogerty: 79 today

Rod Stewart: 79

Steve Miller, Roger Daltrey, and Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones: 80

Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys: 81

Ringo Starr, Bob Dylan, and Mike Love of The Beach Boys: 83

(These are the oldest ROCKERS out there. Meanwhile, 91-year-old Willie Nelson is on the road again this summer!)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

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Work is the greatest thing in the world, so we should always save some of it for tomorrow.” —Don Herold

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Determined Train Clerk And Police Officers Find Woman's Missing Engagement Ring

Show Notes for Thursday, May 30, 2024


Dear John

I've been secretly dating my boyfriend for a few months. In the beginning, we both agreed to keep this relationship a secret until we knew it was going to work out. Now we've been together for almost a year, but we still have not told anyone. He is my brother's best friend. How do we finally tell my brother? Do we let him know we've been dating behind his back? Do we just pretend to start dating now? Please help. I think I might marry him, but neither one of us want to hurt my brother. What do we do?


Sister in Love

I called in some help from Rahne Jones and Travis Mills from MTV's “Help! I’m in a Secret Relationship!” for this one!

We'll answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at (your comments are welcome & wanted) or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 30th

Jump Rope Day

Loomis Day

National Creativity Day

National Hole In My Bucket Day

National Mint Julep Day

National Nail Tech Day

National Water A Flower Day

World MS Day


The Feast Of Corpus Christi

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A new study published in Classical and Quantum Gravity reveals that a group of scientists have discovered a loophole in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, which seems to make faster-than-light travel achievable. It’s a long, technical explanation, but the researchers, from various institutions, say that it’s possible to create a “warp bubble” that compresses spacetime in front of a spaceship, and expands it behind, just like the warp drive on shows like “Star Trek”. The researchers showed mathematically that this “physical warp drive” obeys all the known energy conditions of general relativity.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

As of 1998, over 50% of Iceland’s population believed in the existence of elves.


Sean Baker’s romantic dramedy “Anora” scooped the Cannes Film Festival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or. It was Baker’s second time in the competition after 2021’s “Red Rocket”, and he said the accolade has been his “singular goal as a filmmaker for the past 30 years.” Anora stars Mikey Madison as a stripper from Brooklyn who transforms into a modern Cinderella when she meets the son of a Russian oligarch. Complications arise when his parents find out and try to get the marriage annulled.

It was a bit of a wasteland out there, as US theaters saw their slowest Memorial Day weekend in 29 years. “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” is projected to have opened well short of the industry’s prior estimates of $40 million over the 4-day window. The high-budget action epic was practically neck-and-neck for first place with the animated adaptation “The Garfield Movie” domestically. Latest projections have Garfield opening above $31 million over 4 days.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

According to a study in “Psychology Today” magazine, one of the best ways to get someone to go to bed with you is to make them laugh.

Sure, a voice assistant can be a handy thing to have, but would you play a subscription charge for one? It has been reported that Amazon plans to introduce a new AI-powered, “more conversational” version of Alexa – and will charge a monthly subscription fee. While there’s no word yet on what the monthly cost of the new services will be, a subscription to Alexa will not be included in its popular annual Prime offering, according to the report. Amazon introduced Alexa in 2014, but has not found a consistent means to make it profitable. The company said last year that it was working on a generative AI-powered version of Alexa, amid growing competition from chatbots made by OpenAI and Google.

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A single lightning bolt has enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread.

When scientists developed straight bananas in the 1960s, the public refused to buy them.

With an average height of 183.8cm (6.03 ft) for men and 171cm (5 feet 7 inches) for women, Netherlands is home to the tallest population on Earth.

Given the choice, mice prefer sweets and carbs over cheese.

Jesse James issued his own press releases.


Women take 45% longer than men to do THIS. What is it?

Answer: Read a menu

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

News broke last week of the inaugural flight of BARK Air. The first airline catering to dogs – and their owners, departed from New York and touched down in Los Angeles. One ticket on the sold-out flight cost $6,000, and included fare for one dog and one human companion. The airline, 10 years in the making, claims that “Every single detail of this flight experience has been crafted with a ‘dogs-first’ mindset.” Such as? It starts with a waiting lounge filled with treats — and a speedy check-in. Doggos were also given noise-canceling ear muffs and “calming” jackets to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable flight. BARK Air also offers an onboard spa for the pups, and a menu featuring “doggie champagne” and “barkaccinos.” Each flight includes a maximum of 10 dogs plus their humans, “to ensure you and your dog have enough room to spread out comfortably.” The company currently flies between New York, LA and London, but is considering expanding, after receiving 15,000 requests for new destinations. LINK:

THE LIST: Brought to you by


These statements, contrary to what you have probably been told, are all myths. Each will be followed by the facts…

Dark skin doesn’t need sunscreen/can’t get melanoma: Darker skin tones are less prone to skin cancer, but this can also mean signs of trouble are too often ignored.

A base tan protects you: A base tan is nature’s way of producing sun protection because you’ve been irradiated. But that doesn’t lessen your risk of skin cancer, and constant tanning ages your skin.

You don’t need to use sunscreen inside: All contact with sunlight requires protection, even exposure through an office or car window — and walking from building to building.

The number on sunscreen is proportionate to the number of minutes of sun protection: Nope. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a measure of how much solar energy (UV radiation) is required to burn protected skin. SPF 15 allows 1/15 of harmful UVB rays to reach the skin. The remaining 14/15 means you’re protecting against 93% of UVB radiation. So, SPF 30 blocks 97% and SPF 50 prevents 98%.

The SPF in makeup is enough: It’s good enough to cover you when you’re walking from your car to work. But if you’re outside longer than 15 minutes, you need higher SPF and must reapply.

One application of sunscreen in the morning is good for the whole day: Reapplying is just as important as the first coat. Sunscreen gets consumed once the light hits it, which means you have to reapply regularly.

You don’t need sunscreen during off-peak hours: The sun’s rays can cause damage no matter what time it is. If you’re outside for longer than 15 minutes, use protection. You can get burned at 8am, as well as after 4 pm.

Sunscreen on your face, arms, back, and legs is enough: It’s a great start, but you should also apply it to the ears, nose, hands and the tops of your feet. And remember your scalp, especially if you have thinning or sparse hair.

Melanoma is only caused by sun exposure: It can strike without sun exposure, which makes regular skin checks important. Sun exposure does make the risk higher.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

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Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he’s supposed to be doing at that moment.” —Robert Benchley

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

'I Was In Awe': School Recognizes 6th Grader For Act Of Compassion During Race

Show Notes for Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Today we have a #ComedyCall with the very funny Paul Scheer. We will talk about his new book JOYFUL RECOLLECTIONS OF TRAUMA, available now:

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 29th

Biscuit Day

End Of The Middle Ages Day

International Day Of United Nations Peacekeepers

Learn About Composting Day

Mount Everest Day

National 529 Day

National Alligator Day

National Coq Au Vin Day

National Hydroxyapatite Day

National Paperclip Day

National Snail Day

Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day

Spring Bank Holiday

World Digestive Health Day

John F. Kennedy’s Birthday

National Flip Flop Day

National Senior Health And Fitness Day

World Otter Day

Wisconsin State Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

This is a “good news” story – especially if you’re a wine drinker. A new survey asked “How much joy do you experience every month?” And the results were surprisingly positive. The poll of 2,000 American wine drinkers found the average person has 10 “extraordinary” days each month. That adds up to 120 every year. And when asked what exactly defines a joyful life, the top answer, agreed upon by 77% of respondents, was ‘feeling happy’. That was followed by ‘being healthy’ (71%), having ‘positive personal and family relationships’ (69%), and ‘feeling comfortable’ (69%). The survey, commissioned…you guessed it…by a wine maker, also asked how often people like to treat themselves. It found people are most likely to treat themselves to something nice on their birthday (66%). Other believe they should treat themselves while on vacation (59%,) or if they’re simply having a good day (48%).

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Bluetooth” technology was named after a 10th Century king, King Harald Bluetooth. He united Denmark and Norway – just like wireless technology united computers and cell phones.


Food Network has a new magical treat in store this holiday season: A ‘Harry Potter’-inspired baking competition. “Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking” will feature “innovative pastry chefs” as they “craft spellbinding sweet creations” inspired by the films. The show will be filmed at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London’s “The Making of Harry Potter” location, giving the competitors “unprecedented access to actual sets where the films were made, as they present their creations to the judges and special guests.”

Will audiences be “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” on Broadway? Fitness pioneer Richard Simmons, who has been reclusive for the past decade, is putting together a show for the Great White Way. He posted on Facebook that he and a friend “who is an attorney and manages famous artists in music” are planning “an interactive Broadway show” about his life. The show would create an open space near the stage where theater-goers could join in on workout dance numbers. The 75-year-old said: “I have so many ideas and I’m writing them all down … Broadway is in my blood!”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Stats show that 84% of Americans aren’t fond of hipsters.

According to a study, US cannabis sales have generated more than $20 billion in tax revenues.

Japanese researchers have developed a headband that they say can alleviate the symptoms of depression. In a clinical trial, published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, the team found that the unit, which creates an ultra-low frequency magnetic field, was effective in improving depressive symptoms among men diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The device may also offer a safer and non-invasive method for alleviating the low energy people with depression often deal with. They say that compared to current depression treatments, such as long-term medications, electroconvulsive therapy, “is superior in terms of convenience and lack of anticipated side effects.”

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In Elizabethan England, the spoon was so novel and prized that people carried their own folding spoons to banquets.

When you look at a bright sky and see white dots, you are looking at your white blood cells.

Computer mouse speed is measured in “Mickeys.”

A wildlife technician once calculated that a woodchuck would chuck 700 pounds of wood if it “could chuck wood”.


A survey found that 55% of people take pictures of their food. And THIS is the most popular food item we photograph. What is it?

Answer: Ice cream

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

The Japanese eating legend who won 6 consecutive Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contests is retiring — because he literally no longer has the hunger to compete. 46-year-old Takeru Kobayashi made the announcement in the new Netflix documentary “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut” after doctors discovered his brain had become repelled by highly processed foods. Kobayashi spent more than 2 decades chowing down on hot dogs and other junky food, with his enormous appetite earning him fame and up to $650,000 per year. But in recent years, his appetite started to wane — and he now doesn’t feel hunger at all, and once went 3 days without eating.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


The online trip-planning company “Rough Guides” asked readers to vote on the world’s most beautiful countries. Here are the results…

1. New Zealand: Praised for its “contrast in scenery and beauty to be found in the people and culture”.

2. Italy

3. Canada

4. Switzerland

5. France

6. United Kingdom

7. Norway

8. Australia

9. Greece

10. South Africa

The next 10, in order: United States, Chile, Iceland, Argentina, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Portugal, Slovenia, and Japan. LINK (for details on each):

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

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The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!” —Marvin Phillips

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Viral Act Of Kindness Inspires Pajama Donation For Entire School

Show Notes for Tuesday, May 28, 2024

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 28th

Amnesty International Day

International Day Of Action On Women’s Health

Menstrual Hygiene Day

National Brisket Day

National Hamburger Day

The Slugs Return From Capistrano Day

Whooping Crane Day

World Hunger Day

World Passion Fruit Martini Day

School Bus Drivers Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Nestlé is launching a new frozen-food brand aimed at the growing market of consumers who are using weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. The new brand, named “Vital Pursuit”, will have an initial lineup of 12 items, including frozen bowls, sandwich melts and pizzas. The products will include one or more essential nutrients, like protein, calcium or iron. The company plans to sell Vital Pursuit items for $4.99 or less, and offer gluten-free options, beginning later this year. Roughly 1 in 8 adults in the US has used a weight-loss drug at some point, according to a recent survey.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

There is an opposite of albino animals, which aren’t white, but black. These are known as Melanistic animals.


Since the moment it was revealed that ‘Deadpool’ was joining the MCU, there’s been one question fans have had top of mind: Will he still be allowed to be “the merc with a mouth?” Well, as it turns out, even Ryan Reynolds was surprised at how much of a “hard R” rating Disney has allowed “Deadpool & Wolverine” to have. Reynolds told Fandango: “I hope it doesn’t sound condescending, I’m really proud of them for doing this. I think it’s a huge step for them.” While pleasantly surprised at the rating, Reynolds said that for his character, “there’s no other way to do it.” The film, set to be Marvel’s first R-rated movie, hits theaters on July 26.

Hugh Jackman committed to playing ‘Wolverine’ in a third “Deadpool” movie before even letting his agent know. Jackman told Fandango that his decision to play the character again after it was killed off in 2017’s “Logan”, was made while driving when, quote: “literally, just like a bolt of lightning, came this knowing deep in my gut that I wanted to do this film with Ryan (Reynolds)”. Jackman said that ever since he saw the first “Deadpool” film, he knew the 2 characters should be together. So, as soon as he could, he called Reynolds and said “Let’s do it.” Next: “I had to ring my agent and said, ‘Oh, by the way, I have just committed to a movie.’”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Scientists say they can create an invisibility cloak with a 3-D printer.

A study finds that 75% of people use a different voice to talk to their pets.

Last week, GM announced the end of the Chevy Malibu, the company’s last sedan model, in order to focus on EV production. The demise of the Malibu follows last year’s elimination of the Camaro, leaving the automaker with a lineup of just SUVs, trucks, and the 2-door Corvette. GM isn’t the only carmaker to step away from smaller cars as they lose popularity among drivers. Ford (mostly) quit sedans in 2019, although it still makes the Mustang. Stellantis is focused on SUVs and trucks, but plans to bring back an electric version of the Dodge Challenger in 2025. And Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and Subaru have also scaled back their sedan production.


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Apples are 25% air.

The sting from a killer bee contains less venom than the sting from a regular bee.

The Eiffel Tower leans away from the sun, because heat expands metal.

Goats have accents, depending on the region they grow up in.

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.

Some fish cough.


In a poll, 60% of women said they wear THIS because they think it makes them appear friendly. What is it?

Answer: Bright lipstick

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

A football (soccer) referee has been suspended for life for celebrating with a club that he helped to victory. Dutch football clubs St. George and SV De Valken met in a final match of the country’s 4th division to decide which team would be promoted to the 3rd. During the game, ref Jan Smit showed 3 red cards to SV De Valken players and another to the coach, and let the game go an extra 15 minutes. Then, as soon as St. George scored the equalizer necessary to guarantee the club’s promotion, Smit whistled the end of the game. A clip circulated later of St. George players celebrating alongside Smit, who was seen laughing and singing with the winners — and even lifting the trophy. The Royal Dutch Football Association soon released a statement, indicating he had been banned, and saying “We expect a neutral attitude from a referee and that both teams are treated with respect. His attitude, of course, was not indicative of that.”

THE LIST: Brought to you by


As the price of your trip to the supermarket continues to rise, here are some ways to make your bill smaller — without cutting out your favorite foods…

Be aware of how much you spend on food: Go over old receipts and credit card info to figure out how much you currently spend on groceries. Then make small, incremental changes to reduce the amount. (Like peeling oranges in-store, so they’ll weigh less?)

Make a meal plan: Have an outline prepared of how you plan to eat everything you buy –especially produce, so it doesn’t go bad.

Check the fridge first: Actually, check the pantry too. This way, you don’t end up with duplicates – and are only buying what you truly need. Bonus: Challenge yourself to use only the groceries you already have at home. You’ll be surprised at what you have on hand – and you’ll save the cost of a trip to the supermarket.

Reduce meat consumption: Some cut back on meat for health reasons, but it can be beneficial for your wallet, too. Try reducing the amount of meat you use in a recipe. For example, use 3/4 of a pound of beef rather than 1 pound in a recipe. No one will notice a difference.

Buy frozen produce: As you know, it can spoil quickly. Instead, buy it frozen. Purchase it in its simplest frozen form, because produce in a microwaveable bag, or covered in sauce or purée will be more expensive.

Buy spices in bulk: Those tiny, costly jars are a waste of money if you cook with spices regularly. You refill an empty spice jar from the bulk bins. Buying in bulk can also apply to dried pasta, rolled oats, rice and other grain products. (And chocolate! Don’t forget chocolate!)

Don’t buy products at eye level: You’ve heard this before. Stores place the more expensive items right in front of your face. Reach up or down for better deals.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

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Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring.” —Steve Maraboli

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

'She Just Jumped Into My Arms': Firefighter Adopts Dog Found Beside Deceased Owner