Show Notes for Tuesday, November 21, 2023

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

November 21st

National Gingerbread Cookie Day

National Stuffing Day

World Fisheries Day

World Hello Day

World Television Day

Alascattalo Day

False Confession Day

National Red Mitten Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Apparently, one Christmas tree just isn’t enough anymore. That’s the word from interior designer Jen Derry, the CEO of Balsam Hill. She says that while we’ve seen examples of what she calls “over the top” holiday decorating become more and more common outside in recent years, well, that trend is moving indoors. She feels that the days of having just one boring old Christmas tree in the living room decorated in cheap lights with a gold star or angel on the top – are gone. Her company is seeing a number of people putting up multiple trees around their homes, in order “to feel the Christmas spirit throughout the whole house.” She also reports a lot of themed trees these days, with “meticulously curated ornaments serving as a focal point for other decorations.” And don’t forget the kids. Some parents are setting up smaller trees in their children’s rooms, sometimes decorated in the theme of their favorite Christmas movie or superhero.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

The Canadian government paid a consultancy firm $670,000 to provide advice on . . . how to save money on consultants. The new details, which were tabled in parliament, show the Department of Natural Resources approved the expenditure to KPMG, a global professional services company, to “provide managing consulting service”, including developing “recommendations…to ensure that Canadians’ tax dollars are being used efficiently…” Treasury board President Anita Anand is currently leading a government effort to save about $15 billion.

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The first trailer for the movie adaptation of the “Mean Girls” musical has officially arrived, so “get in loser, we’re going back to Northshore”. The footage not only introduces the new Plastics, it also contains plenty of moments from the original movie — and even an easter egg for the stage production. We also get a look at the performance of ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ — though apparently, it’ll be much more, uh, explicit, this time — along with Tina Fey’s ‘Ms. Norbury’ and Tim Meadows’ ‘Mr. Duvall’ desperately trying to maintain order at Northshore. Jon Hamm also appears as Coach Carr, who is once again preaching abstinence — at least until Spring. Mean Girls will hit theaters on January 12. LINK:

Zac Efron has heard the news about Matthew Perry wanting to cast him in a biopic about the “Friends” actor’s life. The “High School Musical” and “Baywatch” actor called Perry a “mentor” in his life. The two starred together in the 2009 teen fantasy comedy “17 Again.” Efron told People: “I’m honored to hear he was thinking of me to play him…I’d be honored to do it.” He continued, saying that he not only looked up to Perry, he “learned comedic timing from that guy.” Perry’s friend Athenna Crosby first revealed the actor’s plans for a movie about his life in an interview shortly after Perry’s passing.

The Internet is in a frenzy over what looks like big “Shrek” news — the apparent leaking of the release date for the 5th movie — courtesy of an intern, of all people. “Shrek 5″ is trending, after a screengrab of an alleged LinkedIn resume from a young woman who claims to have recently worked at NBCUniversal — the parent company of the Shrek-making studio, DreamWorks. The woman claims to have worked on “Shrek 5” this year, and says it is scheduled to come out in 2015. Since it was posted and widely shared, the woman’s profile’s been tweaked, with the Shrek mention scrubbed.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

According to a report, watching a superhero movie boosts a man’s self-esteem.

Researchers say people who believe in luck are more likely to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

A study has found that one-third of people around the world may be at a high risk for smartphone addiction, with women and people in parts of Asia most likely to report problematic use. The study, by researchers at University of Toronto, McGIll and Harvard, asked more than 50,000 people, between 18-90 years of age, from 195 countries, to gauge how problematic their smartphone use is. The study found that women generally reported higher problematic smartphone use than men. And problematic smartphone use tends to decline with age.

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

All the blinking you do in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes.

The first computer mouse was created from wood in 1964.

The word ‘bidet’ comes from the French word for ‘pony’.

It snowed in the Sahara Desert for 30 minutes on February 18, 1979.

Bill Gates aimed to be a millionaire by age 30. He was a billionaire at age 31.

Cranes are built using…cranes.


Question: 47% agree: THIS is the worst part of the upcoming holiday celebrations. What is it?

Answer: Washing dishes

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

They’re always coming up with new features for smart watches, and the 2024 version of the Apple Watch could be a game changer for your health. Reportedly, the newest series of the device will have 3 additional sensors: One that can alert wearers if they are pre-diabetic, one to sense rising blood pressure, and one that can detect sleep disturbances that could mean sleep apnea. Apple is reportedly also creating a digital health coaching service that will create personalized workout and eating plans.

THE LIST: Brought to you by

A savvy, if stingy couple who say they didn’t want to spend too much money “for just one day” say they organized their entire wedding for less than £3,000 (US$3,600). 25-year-old Lauren Vickery-Young and Connor Young, who is 33, both of Southampton England, say they both grew up working-class, and understand “the true value of money, so they planned things accordingly. Among the steps they took to plan an inexpensive-but-memorable day:

She bought her dress at a thrift shop for £200 ($246), he used a suit he already had.

They tied the knot on September 23 and had the ceremony at their local registry office — and the reception at a cocktail bar – costing £1,350 ($1660).

They made the wedding invites and decorations themselves, and sought out bargains for the big day.

They asked friends and family to take pictures on their phones, skipping a pro photographer.

All these steps resulted in a fine looking, discount wedding with a total tab of £2,721 ($3345).

Stats show the average cost of a wedding in the UK is over £18,400 ($22,600), so the couple potentially saved over £15,000 ($18,440). The pair say they felt even more at ease with their choices after Lauren read some horror stories on Facebook, including DJs cancelling and photographers losing memory cards.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

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The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.” ~ Clairee Belcher

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

From Cells To Degrees: Northwestern University Marks Historic Graduation For Incarcerated Students