Show Notes for Thursday, April 18, 2024


Dear John,

Help me give my senior son some encouragement. He bought a prom ticket but is now hesitant to go. He attended winter formal without a date and got the courage to ask a girl to dance only to be told "eww no". He suffers from severe eczema, psoriasis and severe food allergies. Help my mama heart. I know if he doesn't go, he will likely regret it. Do I just let it go?


Prom Mom

We'll answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at (your comments are welcome & wanted) or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

April 18th

Adult Autism Awareness Day

Amateur Radio Day

International Day For Monuments And Sites Aka World Heritage Day

National Animal Crackers Day

National Columnist’s Day

National Exercise Day

National Lineman Appreciation Day

National Velociraptor Awareness Day

Pet Owner Independence Day

PiƱata Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Working the late shift as a young adult seems great. After all, it gives you all day to have fun. But a new study has found that a steady diet of night shifts and irregular schedules can affect your health decades later. New York University research determined that “volatile work schedules” in your 20s can lead to sleep issues and poor physical and mental health by age 50. The same study found the traditional 9-5 to be the most protective health-wise over the course of someone’s life. Those working other schedules had poorer sleep quality and quantity – and were also more likely to report feelings of depression almost 30 years later.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Adhering to the Keto Diet improves severe mental illness. A new pilot study from Stanford Medicine researchers found that a keto diet not only restores metabolic health in patients taking medication, it also improves their psychiatric conditions. Those living with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are often given antipsychotic medications. While these drugs can help save lives by regulating brain chemistry, they may also contribute to problems such as insulin resistance and obesity. But those who were also put on Keto reported improvements in their energy, sleep, mood and quality of life, making them feel “healthier and more hopeful”, the study author said.


George Lucas, the iconic filmmaker behind the “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” franchises, will receive the Honorary Palme d’Or on May 25 during the closing ceremony of the 77th Cannes Film Festival. In announcing the award, Cannes praised Lucas for building “a Hollywood empire through the 9 episodes of the saga — 4 of which he directed himself,” and for his “unflagging passion for technology” which has made him “one of the pioneers of the visual effects industry.”

Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman had quite an odd tradition on the “Parks and Recreation” set. During a 15th anniversary cast reunion interview with The Independent UK, Pohler revealed that she would lock lips with Offerman annually, just to freak out their fellow cast and crew members. Quote: “Nick and I used to do a thing every year for the blooper reel where we would end a scene by making out…Everybody hated it and it really made us laugh.” Pohler said it was “like watching your aunt and uncle making out or something.”

After taking on the plastic, fantastic world of Barbie Land, Margot Robbie is heading to the rich terrain of Monopoly. Her company is producing a live-action feature film based on the real estate-inspired board game. Hasbro Entertainment, the backers of Monopoly, will also produce. It’s unclear how Robbie and company plan to spin a narrative story from the 2-dimensional world of Monopoly, which the world’s most popular board game, according to Lionsgate films, which is also involved in the project.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

According to Match-dot-com, half of women research a man before they go on a date.

You’ve got to take the good with the bad – and the arrival of spring also means the arrival of spring cleaning season. And if you’re like me, one of the big reasons you dread starting is because of all that clutter. And new research says it’s a common concern. A survey of 2,000 homeowners with garages in the US found that 40% of us are afraid of facing the clutter in our homes. And although 82% said they consider themselves to be organized, they’re feeling the mental load of keeping their home in check. Nearly half of respondents said that the organization of their home has an impact on their mental health, and 80% feel more motivated when their home isn’t cluttered. The most difficult areas of the home to keep organized were found to be the garage, followed by closets and drawers.

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When taking a warm shower, people experience increased dopamine flow, which leads to more creativity.

The brain is our fattest organ, composed of nearly 60% fat.

Some people never develop fingerprints.

Before 1834, ketchup was made with a mix of fish and mushrooms.

There is a “Cinderella” story in Finnish folklore. But the girl’s name isn’t ‘Cinderella’. It’s ‘Tuna’.


Studies show that you’re more likely to have nightmares if you do THIS. What is it?

Answer: Sleep naked

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Police in Scotland say a reported armed man at a train station turned out to be a “Star Wars” cosplayer on his way to a comic book convention. The man was dressed in his Imperial Stormtrooper costume “with a Scottish twist” — a kilt — when he boarded a train at the Aberdeen station. The train returned to the station shortly afterward, and the man was approached by a guard who escorted him to waiting police. That’s when he learned that he had been reported for carrying a “firearm” on the train, and he explained to cops that his “blaster” was a plastic prop. Police took him to his home so he could get a bag for the blaster, so he wouldn’t alarm train passengers again. And he was asked not to wear his Stormtrooper armor on the train.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


It’s hard to keep up, but these are the “hip” words used these days by those born between 1997-2012…

☞ “For the plot” – If you’re told to do something “for the plot,” it means to do it for the experience.

☞ “Rizz” – Still popular from last year, it, of course means “charisma”.

☞ “Ick” – An ick is a turnoff. Coined by a “Love Island” contestant, of all things.

☞ “Rent-free” — If someone lives “rent-free” in your mind, you think about them a lot.

☞ “Mother” – A popular term of endearment for female celebrities that originated in LGBTQ+ communities.

☞ “Ate” — If a person “ate,” they executed something flawlessly, often associated with fashion and beauty

☞ “Left no crumbs” – This is a continuation of “ate” that’s used as additional emphasis.

☞ “Bussin'” or “buss” — means it’s very good, often used to describe food.

☞ “Mid” – That’s when something falls short of expectations.

☞ “Lock in” – Another way of saying “focus”. You can “lock in” on an assignment, cleaning your apartment, or even a video game.

☞ “Let him cook” — means don’t stop him from doing his thing.

☞ “Sus” – Short for suspicious.

☞ “Delulu” – Short for “delusional”. Gen Z loves abbreviations.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

There but for the grace of God, goes God.” —Anonymous, commenting on the film director Orson Welles

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Happy Ending: After 11 Years In Shelter, Dog Finds Love And Family