Show Notes for Thursday, May 09, 2024


Dear John,

Tipping is confusing. And I admit I'm lost on what should and should not deserve a tip. Help me out here. I took my family through the drive-thru at a fast-food restaurant. We ordered about $75 worth of food. It was a big order, so they asked us to pull up to the side door while they got it all together. No problem. We waited about 10 minutes, then they came out to the car with our food. I took it, rolled up the window, and drove off. Done. As I was pulling away, my wife and our 12-year-old daughter told me I was a jerk for not tipping. My daughter said she's so embarrassed because everyone at school will think we're cheap. I asked how much I should have tipped. My wife said $15. My daughter said $20. At a fast-food place. For a $75 order. Since when are we supposed to tip a fast-food worker for bringing us food and filling our order? When does it stop? I'm so confused, and kind of pissed.


Fast Food Fumble?

We'll answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at (your comments are welcome & wanted) or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 9th

Europe Day

Hurray For Buttons Day

National Alphabet Magnet Day

National Butterscotch Brownie Day

National Home Front Heroes Day

National Lost Sock Memorial Day

National Moscato Day

National Sleepover Day

Tear The Tags Off The Mattress Day

Ascension Day

Make-A-Book Day

National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Scientists are warning that “blowing a fuse” when you’re angry could affect your blood vessels’ ability to relax, and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. In a trial, 280 study participants were given tasks that made them remember feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety or neutrality. Only when feeling anger did the volunteers’ display an increase in markers for adverse vascular health. The impacts on blood vessels were seen for up to 40 minutes. The researchers, from Columbia University in New York, say that while that might not seem so bad, there could be a cumulative effect, leading to long-term health consequences. They suggest that since anger is a natural human emotion, the best approach might be to learn to process your feelings without letting them fester.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Restaurants can sing “Happy Birthday” now because the copyrights’ claims are invalid. Judge George H. King ruled that a copyright filed in 1935 granted only the rights to specific piano arrangements of the music, not the song itself.


Lynne Spears hopped on a flight to LA after her daughter Britney’s tumultuous night at the Chateau Marmont that resulted in the pop star injuring her foot. Paparazzi caught up with the mom of 3 at LAX, as she was being picked up by her son, Bryan, who has had a relatively good relationship with his famous sister in recent years. An ambulance was called for Britney early Thursday after she allegedly got into a fight with her boyfriend, and she later blamed her mother for the drama.

The Fall Guy” isn’t giving theaters the start to the summer box office it wanted, earning a domestic opening weekend of just $28.5 million, according to latest estimates. The only good news is that the film’s reception has been excellent, earning an A- from audiences on CinemaScore, and positive Rotten Tomatoes scores of 83% critics and 87% audience. The question now is whether that can generate enough word-of-mouth to help draw future audiences so it can turn a profit against its reported $130 million budget.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you’ve ever been cut off by someone driving a car with an obnoxiously loud muffler — and called the driver a ‘psycho’ — you just might have been right. Psychology professor Julie Aitken Schermer of Western University in London ON started to wonder exactly what type of person feels the need to drive a car with a modified muffler and beefed-up engine, so she decided to find out. She administered personality tests to 529 young people – mostly men — about noisy cars, muffler mods, and if driving one made them feel “cool.” Her ensuing report is called: “A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism” . . . and you can pretty much guess what it tells us. In the professor’s words: “It was sadism and psychopathy predicting who wants to modify their mufflers, who feels more connected to their vehicle, and they think loud cars are really cool.” It also determined that “This callous disregard for other people’s feelings and their reactions (is their) psychopathy coming out and…they probably get a kick out of enjoying watching people get startled.” Although she points out that not all loud car lovers share psychopathic traits, “The personality profile…with loud mufflers are the same personality profile of people who illegally commit arson.”

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Toads don’t have teeth. Frogs do.

People in nudist resorts play volleyball more than any other sport.

Weeks have 7 days because the ancient Babylonians had one day for each known celestial body: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.

White mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms are all the same mushroom, but at different stages of growth.


On average, we do THIS every year-and-a-half.

Answer: Buy a new cellphone.

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

It seems a guy, fresh out of prison, took a liking to a truck driver stopped at the Love’s in Wilcox, Arizona. Or maybe what he really liked was the load the driver was hauling. A truckload of brand new Chevrolet Corvettes, valued at over $1,250,000. Anyway, he struck up a conversation with the driver and ended up grabbing him and throwing him out of the cab. He then took off down the highway with his load of ‘Vettes. Needless to say, this attracted the attention of local law enforcement and it wasn’t long before they had him pulled over. It was then he offered up the best excuse of the week. He told the cops that he didn’t really care about the Corvettes, he just needed a truck to get home as he had just been released from prison. Sure. He’s headed right back, charged with multiple felony charges, including robbery, 11 counts of theft of means of transportation and felony theft.

THE LIST: Brought to you by

World Naked Gardening Day was May 4, LawnStarter ranked 2024's Best Cities for Naked Gardening.

We compared 500 of the biggest U.S. cities based on 4 categories – Nude Gardener Friendliness, Local Interest, Weather Forecast, and Safety. Specifically, we considered the number of local nudists, legality of public nudity, Google searches, and forecasts for May 4, among 11 total metrics.

See the 10 best (and 10 worst) cities for nude gardening below, followed by key takeaways. (Don’t see your city below? Check out the full ranking.)

Best Cities for Naked Gardening

Rank City

1 Miami, FL

2 Philadelphia, PA

3 New York, NY

4 Austin, TX

5 Asheville, NC

6 Los Angeles, CA

7 Pasadena, CA

8 Sacramento, CA

9 Albuquerque, NM

10 Pittsburgh, PA

Worst Cities for Naked Gardening

Rank City

1 Anchorage, AK

2 Sparks, NV

3 Duluth, MN

4 Layton, UT

5 Billings, MT

6 Orem, UT

7 Provo, UT

8 Daly City, CA

9 Missoula, MT

10 Reno, NV

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Confidence is 10% hard work and 90% delusion.” —Tina Fey

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Anonymous $1M Donation Goes Toward Reducing MRI Wait Times