Show Notes for Wednesday December 5, 2018

Show Notes for Wednesday December 5, 2018

Today we visit with Phyllis Solis-Friederich, author of “College Survivor: Learning the Art and Strategy of Earning Scholarships and Grants”

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TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!!! (A special thank you to
December 5
National Sacher Torte Day
Bathtub Party Day

International Ninja Day

Wednesday December 5, 2018
"Buckle up, and know that it's going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it." --Tory Burch

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I'm going to give you the name of a REAL place...I want you to tell me if it houses a GOLF COURSE or a REHAB CENTER!
Dry Creek in Cheyenne, Wyoming ….. GOLF COURSE

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, you can learn more at

An intoxicated book lover in Alaska broke the glass in one of the Noel Wien Library’s front doors to gain access after-hours last Tuesday night. According to library director Melissa Harter, the man “really wanted to read” and didn’t realize the library was closed. Harter said “He wasn’t here very long. He walked in, the cleaning crew said ‘I’m sorry, we’re closed,’ and then he went out the other door. He was inebriated and didn’t know what he was doing.” The cleaning crew called Fairbanks police at 9:45 p.m. but the man was gone when they arrived. There are no suspects at this time. Harter said the window was replaced first thing Wednesday morning. She said, “The borough fix-it department is really good, and of course they sent someone out in the middle of the night to put the plywood on, so that was good too.” The man reportedly did not steal anything and the only damage was to the door. (
The LAPD arrested ten gang members in connection with a slew of celebrity
burglaries in Hollywood. The Police say victims were chosen based on Social Media posts that showed when they were out of town. (
Judge Judy topped the annual list of highest paid talk show hosts with an income of $147 million dollars. (
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Australian farmers announced that the world’s biggest cow will not be killed because it can’t fit into the slaughterhouse. They actually got a ticket when they were driving to the slaughterhouse because they couldn’t close the gate all the way.

The Australian farmer who owns Knickers the giant cow confirmed that he stands six foot four and weighs one point four tons. (

Stevie Wonder announced plans to help the California wildfire victims after touring the wreckage. (

Taco Bell has released a new line of Holiday Wear that includes hot sauce onesies. (

A group of researchers have developed a dating app that will allow you to send odors to potential suitors. (

A study by the University of Edinburgh analyzed ancient cave paintings and determined that early humans understood astronomy. (

Sixteen Atlanta Postal Workers were sentenced to prison for delivering cocaine. (

Police in Broward County, Florida are looking for a man who stole inflatable Christmas ornaments off someone’s lawn. (

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Cows moo with regional accents “In small populations such as herds you would encounter identifiable dialectical variations which are most affected by the immediate peer group,” explains one UK professor.

The Grandiloquent Word of the Day

Cornucopia (korn-uh-KOPE-ee-ya)
-A symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn.
-An ornamental container shaped like a goat's horn.
-An abundant supply of good things of a specified kind.

From Late Latin, from Latin cornu copiae horn of plenty
First Known Use: 1508

Used in a sentence:
“Thanksgiving dinner is always a veritable cornucopia of inappropriate comments and questions from aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents.”


A virtual battle turned into some real-life drama for a Florida family last week when neighbors contacted police after thinking a gun battle was taking place in their home. The city of Deland said in a release that officers had to respond to a home on Nov. 15th after neighbors called to report a possible disturbance when they heard a man and woman yelling things including “That is my gun, give it to me” and “Please don't kill me.” When officers arrived at the home, however, they found out the couple was instead playing “Call of Duty” in their home. City officials stated, “Thankfully, it was not the situation police thought they were being called to.” The woman inside the home, Jamie McKee, told FOX35 it was the first time she was playing with her husband at their home with the windows open. The game got heated at one point between her, her husband, and their daughter. (


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A German teenager’s first joyride was fast and furious — until police pulled him over and took away his license. The 18-year-old driver lost his license after 49 minutes. German police said in a statement, “Some things hold for eternity ... some not even an hour.” Police clocked him at 95 km/h (59 mph) in a 50 km/h (31 mph) zone, in the Märkischer Kreis region of central north Germany. The teen, who had been driving with four friends, was seemingly celebrating his successful driving test. His punishment will be “a hefty fine, a driving ban, an extension of his probationary period, and expensive retraining.” A $227 fine must be paid by the teenager, as well as additional driving lesson costs (
Is this story "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.

A Pensacola Man became an internet celebrity after his GIANT 
NECK made him the subject of a million jokes on social media.
Submit YOUR "Fake News or Florida" stories at
GOOD NEWS: Brought To You By Odeeva... the monthly subscription for ladies!
Taxi Driver Saves His Marriage By Inventing Anti-Snore Pillow That He Dreamt Up in His Sleep