Show Notes for Friday, September 08, 2023

Today we visit with writer/director Nicholas Maggio... he made the new John Travolta action thriller “Mob Land” for his 13-year-old self. "I was 13 and in my friend's basement in Pennsylvania, and we got a copy of the VHS for Reservoir Dogs," Maggio admitted. "I remember having my mind just absolutely blown that this was all possible. I didn't know that film because I grew up with my dad. We watched Ben-Hur and Lawrence of Arabia. We didn't watch French Connection or Bullet. I had never seen this gritty kind of film before.

MOB LAND - In a small town struggling with addiction, a local sheriff (John Travolta) tries to maintain the peace when desperate family man Shelby (Shiloh Fernandez) robs a pill mill. The supposedly easy score takes a violent turn, alerting the New Orleans mafia's revenge-seeking enforcer. (Stephen Dorff)



TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

September 08

Star Trek Day

World Ampersand Day

National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Do you ever feel bored at work? If you’re average, you do – for most of the workweek, according to new research. A survey of 2,000 employed US adults found that 46% are bored at work for at least 3 days per week. Among those who manage to stay engaged longer, many set professional goals to stay motivated. Like what? Well, making more money is always good – 54% said they aim to do that. Other top motivational goals included: striving to move up within the company (53%) and aiming to help create something new (50%). The survey also found that feelings of dissatisfaction typically come within 2 years of working the same role (46%).

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

A Turkish airline is looking to find out if some travelers will pay extra to avoid sitting near babies and small children. Corendon Airlines will sell an adults-only zone — no one under 16 allowed — on flights between Amsterdam and Curacao starting in November. It says people traveling without children will get quiet surroundings, and parents won’t have to worry that their crying or fidgeting kids will annoy fellow passengers. How much to enjoy one of the 93 seats in the ‘no-kids zone’? An extra 45 euros, or $49 US dollars.

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It’s true that “Jeopardy!” passed on LeVar Burton, but his TV days are far from over. He’s about to become host of “Trivial Pursuit”! TMZ reports that Burton and his team are close to locking in terms for him to become executive producer and host of the new Trivial Pursuit game show, which will be aired on the CW. A source says things are almost finalized on the deal, and that the series already has a 12-episode order. Hasbro honchos apparently started considering Burton for the job after he was snubbed by Sony for the highly-coveted Jeopardy! hosting job.

The Toronto International Film Festival 2023 kicks off soon, the A-listers who are and aren’t attending have been revealed. Amid ongoing SAG-AFTRA strikes, some stars are able to attend and promote their films, thanks to interim agreements. Among those expected to hit TIFF are Sean Penn and Dakota Johnson for “Daddio”, Finn Wolfhard and some of his “Hell Of A Summer” co-stars, Viggo Mortensen for “The Dead Don’t Hurt” and Maya Hawke and Laura Linney for “Wildcat”. A-listers who won’t be showing up at this year’s festival even though they have films there include: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Olivia Colman, Annette Bening, Cate Blanchett, Anna Kendrick, Glen Powell, and Chris Pine.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Over the summer, you probably, at least once, spent hours fighting for tickets, picking the perfect concert outfit, talked excitedly with friends, and eventually got to watch your musical hero perform live and in person – whether it be Beyonce, Taylor Swift or Luke Combs. But then what? Apparently “post-concert depression” is a thing. After the anticipation, effort, and excitement of a monumental concert (or other big event), it’s normal to experience a slump or even depression-like symptoms, according to psychologist Michele Leno. While she notes that the symptoms are typically mild and don’t usually get to the point of actual depression, she does offer some tips on how to get back on track after an exhilarating experience like a big concert that was a high point of your summer:

Identify to yourself why the event was so meaningful.

Reflect on why it made you so happy, what you enjoyed so much about it.

Make more moments of joy – whether they involve meeting up with friends or buying a new outfit.

Live vicariously through others. When you see social media posts about other great concerts, take a moment to enjoy what your friends are showing you.

Ignore the haters who don’t understand your letdown afterward.

Reach out for help if you need it. Maybe talk to others who went to the same show, who might be feeling the same way.

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Ranch dressing is dyed with titanium dioxide, the same coloring used in sunscreen, to make it whiter.

Poison oak is not an oak, and poison ivy is not an ivy. Both are members of the cashew family.

Salty and spicy snacks can act as antidepressants.

A lethal dose of chocolate for a human being is about 22 lbs. (10kg), or 40 Hershey bars.

Vodka can be used as shampoo.


Question: A survey shows that 80% of us were not allowed to do THIS while in high school. What is it?

Answer: Swear in front of our parents

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Some scientists are calling on Gen Zers to drink more beer – and lay off the trendy TikTok foods. Researchers at China’s Dalian Medical University wrote that cracking open a cold one can have “even greater effects” on gut health than fashionable probiotics — like the ones being touted in videos – such as yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, kefir, sourdough bread and certain cheeses. Beer is rich in an antioxidant-boosting compound known as polyphenols that, when paired with the brew’s fiber contents, “show the potential to enhance the development of a healthy gut [micro-organism] through probiotic mechanisms,” the researchers wrote.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Recently, on AskReddit, the question was posed: “Which celebrities have aged well?” Here are some of the answers…

☞ “Marisa Tomei. Quite possibly the most naturally beautiful person on the planet.”

☞ “My pick is Jennifer Connelly. She’s 52 and still beautiful.”

☞ “Paul Rudd. He hasn’t aged; he looks just as young as when he was in his 20s.” (You saw that one coming…)

☞ “Salma Hayek. Had a crush on her when I was 14 and saw her in From Dusk till Dawn. Now I’m almost 40 and still have a crush on her. Some things never change, I guess…”

☞ “Non-traditional choice: Eminem.”

☞ “Halle Berry is still… Wow.”

☞ “Ethan Hawke is more attractive to me now than he was in his 20s, but I doubt he’s had any work done. He’s just someone who wears age well.”

☞ “Elijah Wood 100% still has the ring.”

☞ “Magic Johnson is still going strong!”

☞ “Jeff Bridges. Yum.”

☞ “J-Lo… She still has a rocking body!”

☞ “Angela Bassett – just wow.”

☞ “Kate Beckinsale is 50, but looks like she’s in her 30s.”

☞ “Benedict Cumberbatch, for sure. Dude used to look like a human/Salarian hybrid, but now he actually looks quite handsome.”

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

After A Long Overnight Shift, These Officers Returned To A Man's Home To Help With His Yard