Show Notes for Friday, November 03, 2023

Today we visit with Dallas Jenkins, writer/producer/director of THE CHOSEN, Sundays at 8PM on The CW's. THE CHOSEN is the first multi-season series of its kind, a groundbreaking historical drama about the life of Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) as seen through the eyes of His followers. THE CHOSEN has grown from a crowdsourcing project into a massive global phenomenon with over 110 million viewers in 175 countries around the world with plans to make it available in 600 languages. The series continues to grow in popularity, generating 6.5 million followers across social media and $35 million at box office in special event theatrical releases. It has generated apparel, best-selling books, DVDs and an upcoming series of graphic novels.


TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

November 3rd

Cliché Day

Give Someone A Dollar Today Day

Japanese Culture Day

National Accessory Day

National Housewife’s Day

National Sandwich Day

Smart Home Day

World Jellyfish Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

If your partner has been bugging you to go on a “weight loss journey” together, let them know about this: Researchers from the University of Connecticut say they have found that dieting as a couple does not have a positive influence on the amount of weight one can expect to lose. In fact, they didn’t find any social influence at all between couples when it came to factors like self-control or “grit” (the capacity to persevere toward long-term goals), both of which have been linked to better weight loss and weight maintenance outcomes.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Bobi, the world’s oldest known dog, has died at age 31. Guinness World Records reported that Bobi, who lived with his human family in a rural village in Portugal, died over the weekend. The purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a farm and watch-dog breed known for its confidence and calm demeanor, lived at the home his entire life, where he ate an “all-natural” diet and lived an “anxiety-free” life. Guinness says Bobi was born May 11, 1992.

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John Cleese isn’t worried about getting canceled. The “Monty Python” warns the trend to boycott people with controversial opinions makes people “more literal-minded” — so it has become harder to be funny. And while he is too “old” and established to worry about it, he admitted if he was starting his career, he’d be more concerned. Asked if he could have written his famous lines today, told a British newspaper: “It’s a good question”, and that cancel culture makes it “tougher to make funny — or intellectually interesting — associations.” Cleese, who turned 84 on Friday, also said that at this point, he is “so old (that) I am not bothered about getting canceled.”

Fresh from his horse wrangler film “Ride On”, Jackie Chan has lined up an action comedy flick centering on…baby pandas. The 69-year-old is set to star in “Panda Plan”, directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Luan. The film tells the story of a rare baby panda with a dark circle around just one eye, who becomes a worldwide sensation. But when a tycoon dispatches mercenaries to kidnap the zoo’s baby pandas, Chan, playing a version of himself, is forced into a rescue mission. Chan has several other projects in the works, including, interestingly, “Kung Fu Panda 4”.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A study found that alcohol works as an antidepressant.

A Japanese handyman has invented a new foldable electric guitar – for traveling. Yuji Shimano’s fold-up guitar comes with a velvet-textured briefcase featuring a built-in speaker and amplifier – which means an entire basic guitar set-up can be carried in one briefcase. While in the case, the neck of the guitar is concealed behind its body, and the guitar strings are loose. He says his design will make it easier for players to make music when on the move.

Scientists say they have made a “tremendously exciting” breakthrough in treating prostate cancer. One in 8 men will be diagnosed with the disease, which can resist existing treatment. But in a clinical trial, researchers showed that blocking the signals that prostate cancer use to hijack white blood cells can make advanced tumours respond to treatment – shrinking them or halting their growth. The research was led by the Institute of Cancer Research, London, which described it as a “major scientific advance”, and suggests that “we have an entirely new way to treat prostate cancer on the horizon.”


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There are now more mobile phones with active plans than there are humans on earth.

King Tut was buried with 145 pairs of loincloth underwear.

According to a study, wealthy people are more likely to believe that greed is justified, beneficial, and morally defensible.

According to a study, needles hurt less if you watch them being administered, rather than looking away.

The world average annual egg consumption per capita is 230.

In the Western World, people move, on average, every 7 years.


Question: The average household loses 3 of THESE every year. What are they?

Answer: Spoons

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

A man accessing his safety deposit box at a New York business ended up locked in a vault for more than 10 hours. The New York Fire Department said the man was in the vault in the basement of World Diamond Tower when employees, unaware of his presence, closed the door. Firefighters were called to the scene and were able to communicate with the man via security cams and phone. They determined the vault was on a timer lock and couldn’t be opened by employees. Firefighters attempted to cut through a concrete wall, but stopped because they feared putting the man at risk of injury. So, they decided to wait for the timer to automatically open the lock at 6:15am. The newly-freed man was examined at the scene, before being sent home.

THE LIST: Brought to you by

83-year-old Chuck Norris will be co-starring with Vanilla Ice in a film called “Zombie Plane”. Anyway, as soon as the action-comedy, which was shot in Australia earlier this year, was announced, the Chuck Norris/airplane/zombie jokes started to…uh…come to life. Here are the worst of them…

☞ “Chuck Norris once threw a grenade and killed 50 zombies… then it exploded.”

☞ “When a zombie apocalypse starts, Chuck Norris doesn’t try to survive. The zombies do.”

☞ “When Chuck Norris gets bitten by a zombie, Chuck Norris doesn’t turn into a zombie; the zombie turns into Chuck Norris.”

☞ “There will never be a zombie apocalypse because when Chuck Norris bites zombies, they turn back into humans.”

☞ “Man uses machines to defy the laws of gravity to fly, but Chuck Norris flies because gravity dares not defy him.”

☞ “A good flight for Chuck Norris is a bad flight for you.”

☞ “When Chuck Norris was 5, he threw a paper airplane. It landed yesterday.”

☞ “Chuck Norris provides close air support via flying roundhouse kicks.”

☞ “Chuck Norris cannot be tracked on radar; if he appears, it’s too late; you’re already dead.”

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance: waiting for the bathroom.” ~ Bob Hope

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Miraculous Rescue: Missing Two-Year-Old Found Safe By Hunter