Show Notes for Saturday, December 09 and Sunday, December 10, 2023

Today we visit with Kevin Olusola of Pentatonix. They have a new album out The Greatest Christmas Hits , and they're in the middle of “The Most Wonderful Tour of the Year”

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

December 9th

National Pastry Day

Bike Shop Day

Christmas Card Day

Genocide Prevention Day

International Anti-Corruption Day

International Day Of Veterinary Medicine

National Llama Day

World Techno Day

Weary Willie Day

December 10th

Nobel Prize Day

Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales

International Animal Rights Day

National Lager Day

Worldwide Candle Lighting Day

Rice Cooker Day

Dewey Decimal System Day

Human Rights Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

If you’re feeling stressed that you didn’t get much sleep over the weekend and you still haven’t “caught up”, the experts have some advice for you: Don’t worry about it – you’ll only make it worse. Dr. Reena Mehra, director of sleep-disorders research at the Cleveland Clinic, says that worrying about getting a “perfect” 8 hours of sleep per night may actually result in a drop in sleep quality and duration. Another expert, Dr. Shelby Harris of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, said patterns and routines are more important than that magic 8 hours. And she also warns that you shouldn’t be so rigid that you end up unable to sleep at all if your routine is messed up by working late or dealing with a restless child. Quote: “The pressure we put on ourselves is making sleep worse.”

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

As artificial intelligence continues to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue, more and more people find themselves wondering if they’ll one day be out of a job because of an AI-powered robot. The University of Cincinnati’s Anthony Chemero, a professor of philosophy and psychology, however, claims that popular conceptions regarding the intelligence of today’s AI have largely been exaggerated. He contends that while AI is indeed intelligent, it simply cannot be intelligent in the way that humans are, and often makes things up. On the other hand, he says, “it can lie and BS like its maker.”

Brought to you by

Bradley Cooper says he is interested in making “Hangover 4” — in fact, he said he’d make the film “in an instant.” During an appearance on “The New Yorker Radio Hour” the “Maestro” writer, director and star said he’d love to make another film in the comedy series, quote: “Just because I love Todd [Phillips], I love Zach [Galifianakis], I love Ed [Helms] so much.” Cooper isn’t sure, though, if the director would be interested. Phillips received acclaim 2019’s “Joker,” starring Joaquin Phoenix, which took in more than a billion dollars. He’s been working on that film’s sequel.

Despite a report earlier this month that Marvel has considered bringing back the original 6 Avengers for a future project, at least one of those Avengers knows nothing about it. “Captain America” star Chris Evans appeared on “The View” Monday, and when asked directly about the idea of returning with his former co-stars, he first chuckled about how often that rumor seems to surface. Then, he indicated that he’d at least consider an Avengers reunion, saying: “No one’s spoken to me about it. And…I would never say never, but…I’m very protective. It’s a very precious role to me, so it would have to be just right.”

Jana Kramer will star in Lifetime’s first-ever movie featuring a sex scene. The “One Tree Hill” star, who filmed her parts in “A Cowboy Christmas Romance” while pregnant, said on her podcast: “When I read it, I was like, ‘Well, this is gonna be interesting…How are we gonna do this with the baby belly?” Kramer portrays ‘Lexie Crenshaw’, a real estate “closer” who returns to her hometown in Arizona, to try to convince a horse-whispering rancher to give up his family’s land. Of the sex scene, she said: “It’s still Lifetime, it’s still family. But it was pushing limits there, too.” A Cowboy Christmas Romance premieres on Lifetime on Dec. 9.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Record-high U.S. oil production recently surpassed 13 million barrels a day.

Red Lobster has apparently learned nothing from its “Endless Crab” debacle of 2003. The seafood chain’s “Ultimate Endless Shrimp” promotion became so popular, that it was a major factor in its parent company losing $11 million in the third quarter of this year. Red Lobster made the $20 all-you-can-eat shrimp deal a permanent fixture on the menu in June as a way to boost traffic — but miscalculated how popular the promotion would be. The price has since been increased to $25.

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If it happened before the year 476 A.D., it’s ‘ancient’. After 476 A.D., it’s ‘medieval’.

There are more car accidents during winter, but they are generally less severe than accidents occurring in other seasons, because most happen at lower speeds.

At -90°F (-68°C), your breath will freeze in mid-air – and drop to the ground.

There are more than 1,000 types of bananas.

There are 30 times more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way. It’s estimated that there are 100 billion stars and 3 trillion trees.


Question: Stats show that about 5% of divorced people will do THIS at some point. What is it?

Answer: Remarry their ex

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Sanitation workers in New Hampshire started digging through 20 tons of garbage to locate a woman’s lost wedding ring. Windham General Services Director Dennis Senibaldi said he heard from the distraught woman, who was able to help narrow the search by providing info, such as at what time her husband threw the trash out, what was in the bag, etc. He reviewed surveillance footage to try to pinpoint the location of the woman’s trash. And by the time the real search began, Senibaldi said: “I knew where exactly on the floor it was, but it’s still a lot of stuff to go through. His team had to dig through 12 feet of trash bags before finding the right one, but they managed to find the ring 2 hours after the search began. He personally called the woman to tell her to come pick it up – after he had cleaned it up for her. According to the sanitation manager: “She was heartbroken on Wednesday and more than ecstatic on Friday.”

THE LIST: Brought to you by


The 2023 Worldwide Cost of Living surveyed 173 major cities, comparing more than 400 prices across 200 products and services. It excluded Caracas, Venezuela, where prices have risen 450% since 2022.

1. Zurich, Switzerland and Singapore (tie)

3. New York, US and Geneva, Switzerland (tie)

5. Hong Kong

6. Los Angeles, US

7. Paris, France

8. Tel Aviv, Israel and Copenhagen, Denmark (tie)

10. San Francisco, US

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” ~ Jack Handey

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Woman 'Jamming Out' In Car Alone Prevents Stranger's Anxiety Attack