Weekend Show

Show Notes for Saturday April 14, 2018 & Sunday April 15, 2018


SAT - "I tend to think you're fearless when you recognize why you should be scared of things, but do them anyway."--Christian Bale
SUN - "Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games."--Babe Ruth

Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! 1-800-438-0380

An Arizona mom was arrested after her two year old daughter ate pot-laced macaroni and cheese. (https://goo.gl/eHA9YV)
Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, there’s a toll free number you can call… 1-800-438-0380…. That’s the Addiction Hope and Help Line… 1-800-438-0380A 32-year-old woman from Piqua, Ohio named Amber Legge stuck her tongue out during a mugshot after she was accused of threatening to burn a woman’s house down. Legge claimed that the woman owed her money, and she only referred to her as a “dope fiend.” Legge reportedly said she was going to burn the woman’s house down and contact Children’s Services if the woman didn’t pay up. Legge reportedly fled the residence, but she was pulled over shortly after in Huber Heights by officers who received a report of a possibly intoxicated driver. She was arrested on suspicion of aggravated menacing and operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and drugs. During her mugshot, she stuck her tongue out and made a face at the camera.(https://goo.gl/nGPvhd)
Brought To You By FirstCupIsFree.com (be happy... try it free)
Turns out mom and dad do pick favorites. While they might not admit it to their kids, half of parents prefer their youngest child. The survey found that middle children may not get as much attention as their siblings simply because they don’t demand as much attention. Parents identified their middle children as least likely to be reliant on their parents financially.

If you miss shooting film on an old-school camera, there’s an app you might want to check out. Gudak (for iPhone) shoots virtual rolls of film, and you’ll get 24 exposures on each roll. When you finish a roll, you’ll have to wait an hour before you can ‘load’ another and begin shooting again. 

Want to win the lottery? Try drinking coconut juice. A North Carolina man went to a convenience store Sunday to satisfy a craving for coconut juice. While there, he decided to also grab some orange juice and a $4,000,000 Diamond Dazzler scratch-off ticket. Later in the day, he discovered he won $100,000

The Grandiloquent Word of the Day 

Farouche  (fa-ROOSH)
-Marked by shyness and lack of social graces.
-Sullen or gloomy.

from Old French, alteration of forasche, from Late Latin forasticus living outside, from Latin foras outdoors; akin to Latin fores door.
First Known Use: 1765
Brought To You By 49ByDesign.com (websites $49/mo with no set up fee)
Police are looking for a man in Baltimore, Maryland who was reportedly jogging nude throughout the streets even though temperatures are hovering around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The Baltimore Sun reported that the sight of the naked man jogging through downtown Baltimore jolted commuters during morning rush hour. In addition to clothes, the man was also not wearing any shoes. Witnesses reported the man didn't seem lost or confused. A commuter said he stopped at a traffic light roughly 5 to 10 feet from the cardio enthusiast and saw the whole thing. Baltimore police spokeswoman Detective Nicole Monroe says officers drove up the street in response to several 9-1-1 calls, but the man had disappeared. He luckily evaded an indecent-exposure charge.
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A Florida man traveling through Reagan National Airport on Wednesday was cited for carrying a loaded gun through a security checkpoint. 47-year-old Caleb Leonard Jones of Navarre, Florida was moving through a checkpoint when a Transportation Security Administration officer spotted the gun in a carry-on bag as it moved through an X-ray screener. Authorities said the .380 caliber semiautomatic handgun was loaded with seven bullets; there were an additional 18 bullets in a box. The gun was confiscated and there was no disruption to airport operations. Officers with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority cited Jones on state weapons charges.

Are these "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.

- Man sits on gun and accidentally shoots himself in the genitals 
FLORIDA (https://goo.gl/hHZnp5)

- A man broke into a car and found police deputies seated inside it
FLORIDA (https://goo.gl/Jhfx3Q)

- Woman rides horse through shopping mall and ties it up while she uses the restroom
Brought To You By Odeeva... the monthly subscription for ladies! RadioSavings.com
Man Asks Store If They Have Any Shoes $30 Or Under. When They Don’t, Teen Picks Up the Phone and Calls His Mom