Show Notes for Tuesday October 30, 2018

Show Notes for Tuesday October 30, 2018

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!!! (A special thank you to

October 30th
National Speak Up For Service Day
National Publicist Day

National Candy Corn Day

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." --Stephen Covey

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I'm going to give you the name of a REAL place...I want you to tell me if it houses a GOLF COURSE or a REHAB CENTER!

Vinland National in Minneapolis, Minnesota ….. REHAB

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, you can learn more at

An unnamed Texas man, who executed what police are calling “the perfect beer run.” The man was seen on surveillance entering an Arlington convenience store and picking up five cases off Bud Light at once. He walked them towards the register as if to pay and then sprinted out the front door before anyone could even react. Arlington Police are asking anyone with clues to contact them.

BIG SCREEN-LITTLE SCREEN:  Brought to you by TV with a LOWER monthly fee!
Jim Parsons has topped the list of highest-paid actors in the television industry for the fourth year in a row, after making a whopping $26.5 million before taxes in the past year. Others in the top ten include NCIS star Mark Harmon at $19 million and The Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincoln at $11 million.
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The 10 Worst Halloween Candies10. Mary Janes
Peanut butter is great. Chewy candies can be great. But there’s just something unappealing about this chewy mess. Bit-O-Honey was ranked #11, confirming that some flavors just don’t mix well with chewy candies.

9. Good & Plenty
Since Good & Plenty are pretty much licorice, we see the reason why people don’t like them. I never minded getting a box here and a box there on a Halloween excursion. But they were never my favorites — which meant I ate them first, which is kid logic for ya.

8. Licorice
Note that this does not include Twizzlers, and if you read the lists you’ll see they allude to, if not outright say, black licorice. Around the office the reaction was pretty much the same. Australian licorice, if you can get your hands on it, is great. The style we see at Halloween? Not so much.

7. Smarties
Your kids will get plenty of these on Halloween. It’s inevitable. At first they’re not so bad. But the human tongue can take only so many vaguely sweet, chalky hard candy.

6. Tootsie Rolls
Your kids will also get a lot of these. They’re the easy way out for people who don’t want to spend money handing out candy to kids. You can throw a handful into each kid’s bag and it won’t set you back much. But kids tend not to like them. Note that this is a combination of regular Tootsie Rolls and flavored Tootsie Rolls (which are flat out disgusting). We combined a few items on the lists to make them a bit easier.

5. Peanut Butter Kisses
These are neither Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, nor Hershey’s Kisses. I’ve seen them referred to as Mary Janes, which makes enough sense. You know these because they have a plain orange or black wrapper. My advice is to leave them in that wrapper and move onto the next candy.

4. Necco Wafers
They’re like Smarties, but bigger, not as sweet, and more chalky. So yeah. These took the top spot on one list, and I’m surprised they weren’t on every list. When I started this project, I was sure that they’d be the hands down worst candy.

3. Wax Coke Bottles
The novelty of these is great. The first time you get one. When you’re five years old. Then the realization sets in: you’re biting through wax to get not even a mouthful of sugar water. By age eight you toss them in the trash without even bothering.

2. Candy Corn
Look, if you don’t like candy corn, you can just give it to me. Yes, it’s just sugar. Isn’t that the point? Candy corn is nothing special. There are absolutely better candies out there. But if you can’t enjoy stuffing handfuls of candy corn into your pie hole, well, I don’t even know what to tell you.

1. Circus Peanuts
I’d completely forgotten about these! Or, more accurately, I’d blocked them out. There is no way to describe the vileness that is Circus Peanuts. I have to believe that they weren’t rated as the worst on everyone’s list because they, too, blocked these inedible monstrosities from their memories. 

FUN FACT FOR YOU: Brought To You By 

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"Horizontal refreshment" was 19th century slang for sex.
The Grandiloquent Word of the Day


Chary (CHAIR-ee)
-Cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
-Cautious or careful; wary.

From Old English cearig ‘sorrowful, anxious’, of West Germanic origin; related to care. The current sense arose in the mid 16th century.

Used in a sentence:
“Edna couldn’t help being chary of Hubert’s mellifluous praise and obsequious compliments; she was accustomed to the blandishments of gentlemen callers seeking to purloin her vast fortune.”

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by (use promo code RADIO to save 10%)

An Arizona man was searching for gold when he fell into a 100-foot-deep mine shaft in a remote desert area, sparking an hours-long rescue mission. 60-year-old John Waddell was pulled from the shaft last Wednesday night, two days after his carabiner clip broke, sending him tumbling 40 to 50 feet into the bottom of the mine. Terry Shrader said Waddell, a close friend, called him on Monday to say he was trekking out to the remote desert area near Aguila, about 90 miles northwest of Phoenix, to search for the precious metal. Shrader and Waddell had made a deal that if Waddell wasn't back by Tuesday, Shrader needed to search for him. Shrader told NBC News that he became worried when he still had not heard from Waddell on Wednesday. Luckily, he knew exactly where to find him. Shrader said he found an area where he could get cellphone service and called 9-1-1. He then dropped water to Waddell as they waited for help. Waddell's dramatic rescue was recorded on video that shows rescue workers' using rope to pull him to safety. (

An Air Force C-17 prematurely dropped a Humvee by parachute into rural North Carolina, miles from the intended target. The parachute opened and the vehicle landed Wednesday in a wooded area between two homes about 7 miles north of Fort Bragg’s drop zones. The drop was part of a test conducted by soldiers.
Is this story "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.

A Miami man was arrested for posing as a housewife and making sex tapes with 80 unsuspecting straight men. FLORIDA - (
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GOOD NEWS: Brought To You By Odeeva... the monthly subscription for ladies!
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