Show Notes for Thursday November 29, 2018

Show Notes for Thursday November 29, 2018


Dear John,

My wife is Christmas-crazy. Every year she out-does herself a little more. She has the tree up before Thanksgiving and leaves it up until February. I get out of the way and let her do hat makes her happy, but lately the stuff has outgrown the one room. Now we have a second tree and more Christmas stuff popping up around the house. So far it's all still inside, so I'm happy that people only know about this if we invite them in. I don't want to be a Grinch, but how do I get her to let up? I'm pretty sure she would leave this stuff up all year if I wouldn't beg her to take it down in February. Our friends think she's crazy. I don't let people in the house in late January. Is there something I should do? Or should I learn to live with it? I'm OK with it right now, but my concern is the amount of spread and growth that's happened over the last 4 years, since our kids left for college. What do you recommend?

Signed – BahHumbugHusband

We will answer THIS Dear John Letter on today's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to the John And Heidi Show facebook page or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter will be answered. We will offer you our advice and we promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters

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TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!!! (A special thank you to

November 29th
National Package Protection Day
Electronic Greetings Day

Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting

Thursday November 29, 2018

"Surviving a failure gives you more self-confidence. Failures are great learning tools... but they must be kept to a minimum." --Jeffrey Immelt

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I'm going to give you the name of a REAL place...I want you to tell me if it houses a GOLF COURSE or a REHAB CENTER!
Pine Valley in Pine Valley, New Jersey….. GOLF COURSE

Brought to you by! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter… if you or someone you know needs help, you can learn more at

An Indiana man was arrested after he called the cops to complain about his crack dealer. He told cops his dealers cut him off because he owed them $400. But even crazier, his dealers said it was actually $500 and thus admitted to their crimes. (

Taylor Swift’s concert revenue has gone up by 39% since her last tour. (

Jerry Springer’s new court show, “Judge Jerry,” will officially launch in early 2019. (

Cher told producers of the Broadway show about her life that she got way too emotional while she was watching it.  (

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A calf born in Arkansas has a fifth leg — on his head.

Six in 10 parents are already suffering from ‘Christmas stress’. The survey reveals the biggest stress creator is gifts — finding the right ones and finding a place to hide them.

A study says you’ll spend about 15 minutes a day on the toilet — for a total of eight months of your adult life.

A guy in England blamed his ten-candy-bars-a-day habit for an attack on his girlfriend. The guy told a court he bit his partner because he became aggressive because he didn’t get enough sugar on the day of the assault.

An experimental model of a jet airplane became the first to ever fly without any moving parts.

Lunchables turned 30 this year and people in the U.S., Canada, UK and beyond love them. We know people love because Kraft Heinz sells around $1.4 billion worth of Lunchables a year.

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There is a technical name for the “fear of long words”. It’s called “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.” 
The Grandiloquent Word of the Day

Mulligrubs [MUH-lee-gruhbz]
1. A state or fit of depression; low spirits. Also: a bad temper or mood.
2. A sulky or ill-tempered person (singular - a mulligrub).
3. Stomach ache, colic; diarrhoea.

Origin unknown.

Used in a sentence:
“I’m sorry I’m not coming out tonight, I’ve got the mulligrubs.”

The Grandiloquent Word of the Day Calendars are now available for pre-orders!
WEIRD NEWS:Brought to you by (use promo code RADIO to save 10%)

Police say that a Lawrenceville, Georgia man was cited last month after he was caught allegedly driving more than 100 mph — in a 45-mph zone. Channel 2 Action News reported that a Duluth officer was patrolling on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard when he clocked a 2007 BMW going 118 mph and swerving around traffic. Police body camera footage shows that when he pulled the car over, the driver, identified as Kenny Hemraj, told the officer that he “just fixed a part on the car and we just wanted to make sure it was good.” Duluth police spokesman Officer Ted Sadowski said, “From officers who've worked here awhile, they've said that's probably one of the fastest they've seen.” Hemraj was arrested and cited for speeding and reckless driving. He was released on bond. (


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A man reportedly become enraged when his Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) plane was grounded due to bad weather. The passenger was filmed igniting his clothes in the middle of the lounge at Islamabad Airport before being confronted by security. The man was said to have lost his temper when his 7:00 a.m. flight to Gilgit was firstly delayed on Thursday for technical reasons, and then had to be canceled due to bad weather. He was recorded trying to use one piece of burning clothing to ignite the rest of his luggage. Smoke began billowing from his belongings and when guards approached with fire extinguishers, he tried to kick them away. He was then confronted by security and he appeared to give up his hands to be arrested. The flames were extinguished by Civil Aviation Authority fire fighters before they spread. (
Is this story "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.
A Sumter County Sheriff was caught selling a gun he’d been given to teach a safety class

GOOD NEWS: Brought To You By Odeeva... the monthly subscription for ladies!
Watch Bus Driver Offer Comfort and Resources to Homeless Passenger Escaping