Show Notes for Thursday April 16, 2020


Dear John,

This is a letter from two of us. My husband and I have been married two years. We have been saving and paying off debt and planning for a family. We were on track to make that special step in 2020. We are completely debt free other than our home, which we bought specifically so we can have a family. Now that we're here and excited to begin a family, we have many people in our lives telling us not to do this right now. I don't want to wait. We have been sacrificing so many things to get to where we are. We don't want to let this stupid virus stop us from starting a family and being happy. We are both healthy. We both work from home now. We have complied with every rule and have even gone above and beyond, because that's who we are. Do you think it's wrong for us to start a family now?

Signed – PreparingForParenthood

Your comments are welcome & wanted at

We will answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous.
#DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

April 16th
National Bean Counter Day
National Eggs Benedict Day
National Healthcare Decisions Day
National Orchid Day
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day
Get to Know Your Customers Day
National High Five Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A survey show more than half of women (56 percent) feel that their pets are more affectionate than their partners, and 45 percent of women think their pets are cuter than their partners.

THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS: Brought to you by!
Each day we share stories about people doing dumb things under the influence, but ADDICTION IS NO LAUGHING MATTER! If you or someone you know needs help, we're here! Learn more at
How many times have you spilled food or drink on your sofa? Does 6,960 times sound right? According to a study, over the course of a 12-year life of a sofa we’ll spill food and drinks on it 6,960 times. Really?… The study says the average couch/sofa will be slept on 612 times. We’ll watch 5,340 films on the food- and drink-stained couch. And we’ll watch almost 7,500 hours of TV.


The Jumanji franchise has proven to be hugely successful. Last December’s sequel The Next Level earned just shy of $800 million worldwide. That’s not quite as high as Welcome to the Jungle‘s near $1 billion gross, but it’s still impressive. Jumanji 4 — the third in this series but the fourth including the 1995 film — seems like a no-brainer. And finally, we’ve got it officially confirmed that it’s on the way.

The CBS All Access streaming series Picard is a hit, and now there’s word that Paramount is planning a Star Trek: Picard movie.

THE BACHELOR PRESENTS: LISTEN TO YOUR HEART _ In this new spinoff series, 20 musicians from across the country will try to find the perfect partner in life and work through music-themed dates and challenges. The Plain White T’s performed in the premiere. (new on ABC)
SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

In Arizona, a 23-year-old California man is under arrest after police say he deliberately coughed on a gas pump handle as a coronavirus joke. The alleged incident happened in Yuma and the unnamed suspect posted a video of his stunt on social media. Multiple people then brought it to the attention of police.

A study found that eating five fruits and vegetables a day may not cut cancer.

A 30-something New Yorker seeking a “germ free” girlfriend during the coronavirus pandemic has hung dating flyers along city running paths. The man — who prefers to only be identified as Brad, a.k.a. — says in the flyer that he’s “Seeking Girlfriend for Coronavirus And Beyond” and describes himself as a “Healthy, Attractive, Well-Employed Man” who’s looking for “Germ Free Monogamy.”

The lockdown in Moscow, Russia, is very strict. In fact, one of the only ways to go out is to walk your dog. Which is why some people are renting their neighbors’ dogs so they have a reason to get out. The going rate is a few bucks for a half hour.

What to tip in the coronavirus economy? If you can afford it, a hospitality expert says to double your normal tip for delivery drivers putting themselves in harm’s way. Paul Bagdan, a professor at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island, said, “Go with your heart. It’s good karma, good for mankind.”

A Chinese Novelist has become an internet star after she slammed China’s Government for misleading the public on the Coronavirus. The woman is known as Fang Fang and she’s kept a diary of what it’s like to be locked down in the city of Wuhan, China.(

FUN FACT FOR YOU:Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

The majority of Americans choose dogs over love. Dogs have been known for the longest time as man's best friend, but Americans are increasingly taking that to a new level. A 2017 study from conducted over three years found that 54 percent of dog owners are willing to end a relationship if their pup doesn't like their partner. The study also found that 94 percent of dog owners consider their dogs to be a part of their family, and 78 percent include their pups in major family moments. Since one in four people said they bring their cuddly companions on first dates, maybe consider bringing dog treats instead of flowers next time.


Dateline.... MALDIVE
A South African couple is trapped on their honeymoon at a resort in the Maldive Islands after their country shut down all incoming flights.(

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Officials all over the country can't stop emphasizing the importance of practicing social distancing to slow down the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Now leaders in Leon County, Florida, are giving people an interesting visual to help them maintain the proper distance from others. “This is a reminder that during COVID 19, please remember to keep at least one large alligator between you and everyone else at all times,” Leon County said on Facebook. As of Saturday afternoon, Florida had more than 11,000 cases and at least 170 deaths. To slow the spread, officials are enforcing stay-at-home orders and urging citizens to practice social distancing. Other ways to visualize six feet include imagining two golden retrievers, the width of an average sedan, a sofa, a dining room table, or the length of a mattress. (

MOMENT OF DUH: Brought to you by

After a Dollar Tree cashier chided him for cutting the checkout line and failing to “respect the current social distancing rules,” a Florida Man began striking the female employee, according to cops who arrested the unruly customer on a felony battery charge. Police say that 55-year-old Stephan Fanelli was at the discount store Friday afternoon when he got into an argument with Nyashata Chajani. An arrest affidavit states that the dispute was prompted when Fanelli “skipped the line at the cashier and placed his items in front of other customer items.” When Chajani asked Fanelli to return to the rear of the line, he reportedly became irate. Chajani also “requested for the defendant to respect the current social distancing rules, in which he was not practicing.” When Chajani then attempted to move Fanelli’s items from the checkout line, Fanelli “began striking the victim.” He is currently is locked up in the Pinellas County jail in lieu of $2,500 bond. (


I read a headline, you guess if the story is something that really happened in the great state of FLORIDA or is it #FakeNews made up to trick you and amuse me
A Clearwater Man was busted for trying to buy lotto tickets using fake movie money ….. FLORIDA (

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by #GiftCardChallenge