Show Notes for Monday, September 11, 2023

This #MovieStarMonday we visit with Keltie Knight (Footloose, Sharknado 3, Chief Correspondent for E! NEWS & much more) We'll chat about her new show Superfan... it's a new musical TV competition series SUPERFAN, premiered Aug 9th on CBS and has been killing it in ratings, growing each week! SUPERFAN was the #2 most live-streamed program on Paramount+


TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

September 11

National Boss/employee Exchange Day

National Hot Cross Bun Day

National Make Your Bed Day

Patriot Day And National Day Of Service And Remembrance

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A study from New Jersey’s Rutgers University finds that wearing perfume/cologne (especially floral scents) will increase your social interaction and help you get good vibes even if you’re not surrounded by pleasant company.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Research shows that there’s a direct correlation between high temperatures and short fuses, and that anger can sometimes lead to bad behavior. One experiment found that people who were playing video games in a hot room, in certain circumstances, were consistently crueler to their gaming partners than those who were in a room with a more moderate temperature. Another study found that when temperatures were high, Major League Baseball pitchers were much more likely to intentionally hit a batter if someone from the pitcher’s team had been hit by a pitch earlier in the game. And a study of NFL players found that the hotter it got, the more players committed penalty infractions. What we can do about it, according to one expert: “Maybe put less on the schedule when the temperatures are high, or hang out with people who irritate you less. Maybe even reschedule important meetings for cooler days.”

Brought to you by

On the final weekend of the summer box office season, “The Equalizer 3″ took top spot with a solid 4-day long weekend take of $42 million domestically, when Monday estimates are included. Meanwhile, “Barbie” became the 14th film in box office history to pass $600 million in domestic grosses, adding $13 million over the 4-day weekend to bring its total to $612 million in North America. With $1.38 billion worldwide, “Barbie” has passed “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” to become the year’s highest grossing film.

Bradley Cooper appears to have another winner on his hands. The actor-director’s latest film, “Maestro”, made its debut at the Venice International Film Festival over the weekend, and received a rousing reception at its festival premiere. The Cooper-directed biopic — in which he also portrays famed composer Leonard Bernstein — was met with a standing ovation that went on for a full 7 minutes. While neither Cooper nor co-star Carey Mulligan were in attendance due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, Bernstein’s 3 children tearfully welcomed the applause, waving to the crowd.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by


Inside a dresser drawer in a dark room there are 28 black socks and 28 brown socks. What is the minimum number of socks you must take out of the drawer to guarantee a matching pair? ANSWER: 3. Either they are all of the same color (in which case you’d certainly have a pair) or else 2 are of one color and the 3rd is the other color, so again you’d have a matching pair.]

What was the most recent year that looked the same whether written upside-down or right-side-up?

ANSWER: 1961. The next one? 6009!

How can you drop an egg 3 feet without breaking it if the egg isn’t hard-boiled and the floor is cement with no padding?

ANSWER: Hold it 4 feet above the floor when your drop it.]

What word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?

ANSWER: Short. Just add ‘er’.

A man is blindfolded, then someone hangs up his hat. Revolver in hand, the man walks 100 paces, turns around and shoots a bullet directly through his hat. How is this possible?

ANSWER: The hat is hung over the end of his gun.

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In 2015, a Chinese billionaire bought a US$170 million painting by with his credit card — so he could use the points for free airfare.

Bill Cosby was first choice to play ‘Sam Malone’ on NBC-TV’s “Cheers”, ahead of Ted Danson.

If you are right-handed, you tend to chew on the right-hand side of the mouth and vice versa.

Every year about 7 people are killed by sharp objects in the dishwasher.


Question: 49% of college students will do THIS at least once this semester. What is it?

Answer: Pull a study all-nighter

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Well, so much for that. Apparently, beer goggles aren’t a thing. The phenomenon — when someone appears much more attractive to a person who’s had a few drinks – has been debunked. Stanford University researchers enlisted 36 people to test the alcohol-induced mirage, but found that participants did not waver from how attractive they found other people after drinking. They did find, however, that booze appeared to give drinkers some extra confidence, making them more likely to interact with people they found attractive, while under the influence.

THE LIST: Brought to you by

Film Festival season is here, so here is what festival programmers REALLY mean when describing a film . . .

• “Extraordinary” – Weird as heck

• “Layered” — Confusing

• “Dazzlingly sensual” – It’s about as sexy as a Disney film

• “You have to see it to believe it” – Don’t blame us if you hate it

• “Intelligent and heartwarming” – Stupid and sappy

• “A lasting cinematic experience” – It runs 3 hours, but feels like about 30

• “Rich in detail and emotion” – There’s absolutely no story

• “Emotionally authentic” – Factually bogus

• “Wonderfully subversive” – How did this ever get past the censors?

• “Freewheeling camera style” – Better take a barf bag

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Bernard Baruch

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

A Gharial Miracle: Fort Worth Zoo Makes History With Endangered Crocodile Births