Show Notes for Monday, October 23, 2023

This #MovieStarMonday we visit with Ed Begley Junior. We will talk about his new book “To the Temple of Tranquility...And Step On It!: A Memoir" 


TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

October 23rd

National Boston Cream Pie Day

Event Organizers Day

International Snow Leopard Day

National Canning Day

National Croc Day

National Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day

Paralegal Day

National Mole Day

National Tv Talk Show Host Day

Swallows Depart From San Juan Capistrano Day

iPod Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A new study published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science suggests that giving an anxious dog a chew toy can actually help improve its memory. Auburn University researchers found that “for anxious dogs, chewing on something can help them focus and decrease physiological arousal, while for calmer dogs, chewing could actually be a distraction.” They believe that anxious dogs can gain a “therapeutic effect from the chewing” which may reduce stress levels.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Apparently, “heads or tails” isn’t quite as fair as we’ve been led to believe. University of Amsterdam researchers discovered that there’s a natural bias that occurs when flipping a coin. In an experiment, coins were flipped 350,757 times – and it was found that the side that was originally facing up came back to the same position 50.8% of the time. While that may not seem like much, the scientists say this is “overwhelming evidence for a same-side bias.” To illustrate this, they pointed out that “If you bet a dollar on the outcome of a coin toss 1000 times, knowing the starting position of the coin toss would earn you $19, on average.”

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Is a “Seinfeld” revival in the works? During a stand-up show in Boston over the weekend, Jerry Seinfeld teased that possibility – we think. Seinfeld referred to the iconic comedy series finale, telling the crowd that he has a “little secret” and that “something is going to happen” related to that ending. He teased: “It hasn’t happened yet. And just what you are thinking about, Larry [David] and I have also been thinking about, so you’ll see… you’ll see.” He didn’t elaborate, so we’ll have to stay tuned.

Joel McHale isn’t bothered by Chevy Chase’s recent comments about their comedy “Community.” Chase made headlines last month on Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast, saying the show “wasn’t funny enough.” Now, McHale has told People that Chase “stopped hurting my feelings in 2009.” McHale, who played ‘Jeff Winger’ on the sitcom, said: “I was like, ‘Hey, no one was keeping you there. I mean, we weren’t sentenced to that show.” McHale also pointed out that Chase “could have left” if he really wanted to, but, as he put it, “That’s Chevy being Chevy.” Chase left the NBC show after Season 4 in 2013 after reportedly using a racist slur toward costar Donald Glover.

It appears Gerry Turner has stolen audiences’ hearts. In its first week, the premiere episode of “The Golden Bachelor” managed to deliver an audience of more than 11M total viewers across linear and streaming platforms. That includes both the debut telecast on September 28, and its rebroadcast on October 3. The Sept. 28 broadcast alone soared to 9M viewers after 7 days of delayed viewing, according to ABC, making it the strongest multiplatform telecast for any series within “The Bachelor” franchise in more than 2 years, when Matt James was the lead.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Here it is: Your annual excuse NOT to rake the leaves that are piling higher on your lawn by the day. The Nature Conservancy of Canada has a green-friendly response for those of us who’d like to avoid the back-breaking and callus-creating task of clearing the leaves: Just don’t do it. Why not? There are 3 major benefits to keeping the leaves in the yard during fall. First, it helps biodiversity, as there are many native insects and small critters such as frogs and toads that will hibernate under the leaves during the winter. As well, it is a food source for birds, such as robins, since they will often forage among the leaves to look for insects to eat. The other benefit is to the lawn itself. Leaves provide a natural mulch when they break down, which helps soil development. While large piles of leaves can impact the growth of grass and other plants come spring, a thin layer of leaves can help maintain the health of gardens and lawns.

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

If you are nominated for a Nobel prize, you’ll likely never know unless you win.

Animals yawn based on how large their brain is. The bigger the brain, the longer they yawn.

In the Philippines, you can buy spaghetti at McDonald’s.

Ancient Rome had rent-a-chariot businesses.

Scientists have figured out how to unboil an egg.


Question: 32% of people say they’d like to visit THIS far away place. Where is it?

Answer: The Moon

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Over the past week or so, the recipients of various Nobel Prizes have been announced, honoring the pinnacle of human achievement in sciences and art. And sure, those awards have their place. But let’s not overlook this: A charismatic black cat named Giles is the winner of the 15th Annual Hambone Award, given by Nationwide Insurance to the most ridiculous (yet still mild) pet medical claim of the year. It seems Giles took home a trophy — and some stitches — after getting stuck in a sofa bed. The Hambone Awards were inspired by a claim where a dog got mild hypothermia after getting stuck in a refrigerator and eating an entire ham. This year’s winner, Giles, had stiff competition — including a parrot who got in a fight with a door, and a phone charger-chewing puppy. The family of the Hambone winner receives a trophy, gift card, and an opportunity to donate to a pet charity of their choice.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


• ‘Jack the Clipper’

• ‘The Best Little Hair House’

• ‘Choppers’

• ‘Grateful Head’

• ‘Running With Scissors’

• ‘British Hairways’

• ‘Dude, I’m So Buzzed’

• ‘Get The Hell Out Of Hair!’

• ‘Curl Up & Dye’

• ‘Clipping Penalty’

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.”~ W. C. Fields

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Heroic Commuters Rescue Dog Trapped On Train Tracks