Show Notes for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Today we talk with Madison Prewett Troutt (The Bachelor) about her new book “The Love Everybody Wants: What You're Looking For Is Already Yours”


TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

October 11th

National Sausage Pizza Day

Black Girl Day Off

International Day Of The Girl Child

Kraken Day

National It’s My Party Day

National Peyronie’s Disease Awareness Day

National Spread Joy Day

Southern Food Heritage Day

You Go, Girl Day

National Coming Out Day

General Pulaski Memorial Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

52% of people polled agree that taking “self-care” days off work are only temporary fixes, and we should instead practice smaller daily habits. 36% of those surveyed said they make it a top or high priority to practice self-care every day by doing things like staying hydrated (48%), having a positive mindset (46%), going outside (43%) and getting quality sleep (36%). One-quarter of all respondents said they don’t have time for self-care on a regular basis. Why? Being preoccupied with household chores and responsibilities as the most common reason given, followed by caring for family, and work.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

There are plenty of health claims about humming, including reducing stress, helping you breathe more easily, relieving sinus congestion, lowering blood pressure, and providing benefits to heart rate and digestion. So, are the claims true? Experts say more research is needed, but they do know that humming not only feels good, it improves our mood, distracts us from boring tasks, and can even be used for spiritual practice.


Tom Hanks is not telling fans to get their teeth cleaned. The Oscar-winner shared a computer-generated image of himself on Instagram, warning followers about a promotional video for a dental plan circulating online. Over a photo of a computer-generated Tom Hanks, he wrote: “BEWARE!! There’s a video out there promoting some dental plan with an AI version of me. I have nothing to do with it.” Hanks has previously discussed the rise of AI and deepfake technology in the creative industries, saying once that it’s now possible for him to continue acting after his death. LINK:

The upcoming “Barney” movie will not be too ‘out there’. Mattel CEO Ynon Kreiz confirmed that in an interview published over the weekend. He was quoted as saying: “It’s too early to be specific, but I can tell you we are taking a fresh approach that will be fun, entertaining and culturally oriented. It will not be an odd movie.” Eyebrows were raised when Mattel Films executive Kevin McKeon explained that the “Barney” film would be “surrealistic” and lean into adults “millennial angst.”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A report found you can improve your relationship by going on a road trip.

Now, THIS would be something: Curing cancer could someday be as easy as a few taps on your phone, according to Rice University scientists, who have received $45 million in funding for a new, implant-based treatment system that could cut cancer death rates by 50%. The funds, from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, will be used to develop “sense-and-respond implant technology,” with the aim to improve the outcomes of immunotherapy treatments for cancers that are usually difficult to treat. The plan is to implant patients with a small device that continuously monitors their cancer — and adjusts their immunotherapy dose in real time, rather than traditional treatments involving IV bags and external monitors…and a patient confined to a hospital bed. Researchers hope that the implant will only be needed for short-term use — eradicating the cancer in as little as 60 days.

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On average, a horse can produce about 15 horsepower.

In Japan, Domino’s tested pizza delivery via reindeer in 2016.

Geckos can turn the stickiness of their feet on and off at will.

Jackrabbits got their names because their ears look like a donkey’s (or jackass).

Sugar was first added to chewing gum in 1869…by a dentist.

A lion’s roar is louder than a jackhammer.


Question: On average, people have 240 of THESE. What are they?

Answer: Nose hairs

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

A Singapore beer brand has teamed up with fashion designer Izzy Du to create a puffer jacket that’s designed to lower your body temperature. How? By carrying around cold cans of beer, of course. When the wearer puts ice-cold beer cans into the pockets, they supposedly send a cooling effect across your torso through a network of tubes filled with water, which is pumped around the body. The designers say it can lower your body temperature by up to 5°C (41°F). The beer-filled puffer jacket made its debut at Paris Fashion Week, of course!

THE LIST: Brought to you by

Roof Gnome ranked 2023's Best Cities to Own an Electric Car.

Why conduct this study? Solar power helps maximize the value of your EV, and Roof Gnome can connect you with the best local solar installation companies (and roofers).

To come up with our ranking, we compared the 200 biggest U.S. cities based on EV incentives, infrastructure, costs, and safety. More specifically, we factored in EV laws, electricity costs, charging station access, and even solar energy potential from viable roofs in each city, among 15 key metrics.

See the 10 cities that lead (and the 10 cities that lag) in EV adoption below, followed by key stats from our report.

Best Cities to Own an Electric Car

Rank City

1 San Diego, CA

2 Houston, TX

3 Irvine, CA

4 New York, NY

5 Los Angeles, CA

6 Colorado Springs, CO

7 Fort Collins, CO

8 San Antonio, TX

9 San Francisco, CA

10 Chicago, IL

Worst Cities to Own an Electric Car 

Rank City

1 Detroit, MI

2 Newark, NJ

3 Hialeah, FL

4 Paterson, NJ

5 Warren, MI

6 Memphis, TN

7 Macon, GA

8 Shreveport, LA

9 Chattanooga, TN

10 Murfreesboro, TN

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Biologically speaking, if something bites you it’s more likely to be female.”~ Desmond Morris

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Golden Retrievers Have Been The Mayor Of This Town For Over A Decade